疫情下的生活點滴和後院的花和果 (w English)
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2020-06-04 14:26:19
今年是枇杷結果的第二年,果子比去年多(去年才十幾顆),但是比起人家滿樹的黃燦燦,我家的枇杷太小巫見大巫的。四月枇杷開始成熟,可是因為三四月的多雨,成熟的枇杷有點酸酸的。後來索性不摘了,讓它們更多地吸取日月的精華,所以,五月再收獲時,甜了很多,不過核大肉少,比起一位同事家雞蛋般大的枇杷遜色太多。6/1收獲了樹上的最後一顆枇杷,原本想留它在樹上,讓那一粒金黃留給自己盡可能長時間的念想。 後來發現枇杷久留枝頭,核裏會長蟲卵。這或許就是自然規律,瓜熟蒂落,落葉歸根,人的意願不能違背自然。更何況四季是輪回的,告別了枝頭的果子,枇杷樹可以重新養精蓄銳,等待十月再開花,來年再結果。而人又有了新的期盼和希望。
家裏盆栽的繡球花今年開得很旺,粉紅色的一簇簇,很炫目。這花是兩三年前我生日那天某人買的。記得那幾日子兩人嘔氣不講話。生日那天,他沒說一句話,早上獨自去公司參加party了, 留我一個人在家very much self-pitied。下午三四點,他從Costco帶了一大束繡球花回家,當我下樓看見插在花瓶裏的那一團花時,一天鬱悶的心情隨之消散。後來花謝,我把它們剪了插枝,成活了好幾棵。繡球花其實是女兒的最愛,某人自己也喜歡,它的生命力旺盛,花期很長,不同的土壤可以培育出不同的顏色。繡球花喜水,英文名叫hydrangea, 單詞裏的前綴hydro 就是水的意思,在加州幹熱的氣候下,它需要常常澆水。
五六月是黑莓的成熟期。成熟的黑莓黑得發亮,顆粒飽滿。某人常常在晚上酒足飯飽之後來院子轉轉,摸一摸沉甸甸的黑莓,如果碰上有成熟到一碰就快要掉下來的,就會摘下來,洗都不洗就送入口中。有時一邊摘一邊還暢想著退休後解甲歸田,回老家大力推廣種植。黑莓其實沒那麽好吃,不過難得某人喜愛,我也順勢讓他獨享了。一日中午吃過午飯,某人主動去洗碗。我走到後院,摘下兩顆成熟的黑莓,洗了洗,送入某人口中,問: 好吃嗎?某人嘴裏吃著,點點頭。我忽地想起Oncemm最近故事裏大活寶說的金句,脫口而出又說到,"我對你好吧?"。某人一愣,丈二和尚摸不著頭腦,不習慣這種突如其然的半白癡,幾分不好意思地說,好。我抿住嘴想笑,轉過身去,隻聽背後傳來一句,你吃藥了嗎?頓時兩人一頓爆笑...... 

While people in the east coast are expecting May flowers, we in the west are reaping fruits. Thanks to California's year-round sunlight, a small yard like mine can still grow something. For years, I have experimented with various kinds of plants and flowers. Some died, and some survive and thrive. To name a few, blackberries have been bearing fruits year after year. A loquat tree, planted from a seed, is in its second year of fruiting.  The dragon fruits sprawlingly climb to the top of the wall. What’s new this year is that the grapevine, purchased from Costco four or five years ago, also starts its fruit.  The pearly pea-like grapes, strung along, though still green, are growing fuller and rounder day by day. Though there is only one bunch, from baren to fertile, it is a breakthrough. One bunch this year could be a precursor to the next year’s abundance.
The ripening of loquat first came around in April. The surplus March and April rains could have washed away the sweetness. The first picked loquat turned out to be a bit sour, holding back my itch of picking.  And then the prolonged collection of sunlight did give rise to sweeter fruits. The overdue loquats, their skins wrinkled a bit, when peeled off, the meats inside taste like being dipped in sugar. As one after another loquat was picked and consumed, I stopped at the last one, as if keeping it on the tree would fantasize its permanent appearance. But the fear of its seeds being infested with worms soon overcame me.  The plant has its own life cycle.  Like it or not, it is time to part with it.

The moment we picked up the last loquat, we found the first dragon fruit flower blooming in the dusk. As I hurried out to the other side of the wall with a big camera in hand, I saw high up on the wooden trellis, nestled among the green sprawling branches, protrude a white flower, long and tube-like. The dozen arrow-shaped white petals are opening against green outer leaves, and in the middle, one female light-yellow tube is clustered by myriad golden male stamen. Then comes the second (06/02) and the third flower (06/03) in a sequel the following nights. When it suddenly dawned on me that they might need our assistance in its pollen transmission, I urged my husband to go up the ladder. With a brush, he strained himself to touch the high hanging flowers, brushing here and there, in the hope that the withered flowers will turn to dragon fruit cactus in weeks.

The last day of May falls on a Sunday.  The brutal death of a black guy named George Floyd is like a domino that triggered nationwide protests and riots.  Unnerved we are like most people, as the looting started in the neighboring cities, we still decided to go to the beach for an outing.  The freeway looked normal, so did the beach, except that none of the visitors was wearing a mask. We consciously put away our masks in the pockets, to be mingling with the crowd. Walking in my Xero shoes on the rugged trails under the cliff, with gravels, pebbles and rocks piled by the other side, I kept a distance with the others. And without masks on, we did not linger, and was on our way back after an hour or so.  How I miss the days before March this year when we can freely roam and rove on the beach!