熱情隨雨打風吹去 (w English)
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2017-08-21 20:21:17
昨晚,兩家附近的老友來家中喝茶聊天,一聊聊到淩晨兩點,方才談興未盡地離開。 可今早六點不到還是醒了。望著窗外陰沉沉的天空,想著本該是個爬山的好天氣,心裏不免有點失落。
周六,在過去三年多,那曾是我多麽盼望的清晨。在天色尚未完全露白之際,一群人迎著晨霧行走在高低峽穀間,看朝霞從厚厚的雲間噴薄而出,聽小鳥啾鳴,看鹿群歡快地從林間穿越奔跑,我們徜徉山中,笑談天下事,家事, 瑣事。而今,曾經的時光,曾經的歡笑,曾經的熱情在三年的風吹日曬後,卻是曲終人散了。
躺在床上,我習慣地撥弄著手機,看著自己以前在朋友圈裏發的帖子,有長有短,照片、文字後麵洋溢的熱情依稀可見, 我似乎都能重新聞到花的芳香,感受到了山風的氣息。真是懷念那些日子啊。是什麽時候開始熱情減退的?是因為朋友圈的擴大讓我不喜歡在熟悉或不熟悉朋友間曬,故而擇荒而逃的?更遺憾的是,有些內容竟然被自己刪了。
再看看自己寫博的熱情,也好像雨打風吹去了,是江郎才盡,還是人的熱度本來就隻能堅持三分、人的本性就是喜新厭舊, 不能長久的?
再想想,隊伍解散了,怪不得別人,而自己能不能堅持,總是自己可以掌控的。這樣一想,一個人起了身,看了會報紙後,八點左右欣然朝社區附近的open trail走去,走了一個多小時,出了點汗,又精神氣爽的回來。

Cloudy and sunless autumn morning is the perfect time for hiking,as you don’t have to worry about putting on the sunscreen, neither do you have to worry about sweating too much. However, when I woke up to such a Saturday morning, I lay on bed instead, indulging in the reminisces of the good old days when more than 10 people clustered cheerfully in the parking lot and set off hiking before the dawn cracked. For more than once, we hiked from the mountain to the sea, a 10-mile- plus trail, trespassing the state park and overlooking the peaceful sea shimmering under the sun.

It looks like that those days are gone with the wind. Our enthusiasm has been cooling for nearly a year, with the departure of some avid hikers moving to different cities or states.  However hard I tried to revive, the team has been dwindling to four people, or two, and now basically zero. 

I gazed out the window at the gloomy sky, and then decided to go alone to the nearby open trail across the community.  This trail is actually a very long and well-maintained one, bridging three big communities together and leading itself all the way to the beach. Flanked by trees on both sides, the trail is exposed to the noisy street on one side, but a vast tract of grassland and parks on the other. Along the way, I stopped at the stone walls upon which the city’s history is engraved, looking at the old pictures and captions below with the stories of how the city rose from an orchard farm to today’s richness and prosperity.

I walked for over an hour, and turned back with slight sweat but big satisfaction.

Persistence prevails. Hopefully I can keep up the hiking, reading and writing, for my own sake.