山穀間的神雕俠侶(w English)
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2017-03-18 21:54:39
今日和LD一起走了五個小時的山路,就為探一處名為“ black star canyon"的瀑布。回來的路上,太陽當空照,我隻覺疲倦。為解乏,我開玩笑跟LD說,回去我要寫一篇“夫妻雙雙把山爬”的博客,LD說,題目多土啊,我說,那你說什麽題目洋派,他隨口就說,”神雕俠侶”。我樂了,  想起最近網上討論的什麽三生三世,十裏桃花。感情,咱也可以是武俠小說裏的神雕俠侶,嗯,那就當一回,來它個標題黨。
爬山隊基本散了,從十幾個人到三四個人。 換工作的換工作,搬家的搬家,回國的回國,生病的生病,隊伍一天天萎縮。懷念曾有的三年,在晨曦中一起走過高山低穀,徜徉在藍天白雲下,談笑於山風中。有一張照片我們自稱像電影海報,名為 “xxx坡上的知青”,想起來,心生懷念。這支隊伍曾經給我帶來過了那麽多的快樂、期盼,而今天,隻有我倆自己了...天下沒有不散的宴席。但願隊伍有一天能重振旗鼓。

The hiking team falls apart now. How I miss the good old days when a goup of more than 10 people hiked together, talked at our will and laughed to our hearts' content. The happiness, coupled with the mountain scenery and its scent, will be forever etched on my mind, and kept in the memory lanes as we march on in our life journey.

Waking up to a foggy morning, my husband and I decided to hike Black Star Canyon, a place we visisted once but never finished. It was a beautiful morning. When we parked outside the canyon, a half moon was on the morning sky, luscious and serene, with the valley underneath covered in green. Our destination today is the remote waterfall. Though it is only 6.8 miles round trip, the 4.1 miles leading to the waterfall are full of big rocks with the steams meandering through in the middle. It consumed us three hours to finish the trail in the end. At certain routes, we are like the trail brazers, groping for the way up, using our hands, butt, and whatever is reachable in sight, rocks, vines and tree root, etc. As steep as it is rugged, it involves a lot of big rock climbing and jumping, and it asks quite some attention to navigate for the best route. Every muscle of mine was seemingly in active use. Ginger as I am, I still slipped and fell to the ground four times (my neck hurts now). It is the most daunting and audacious hike I have ever had in the past three years.