【亮媽廚房】2019-45 日式咖喱牛肉飯
文章來源: 亮亮媽媽2019-11-07 08:46:34




One piece of beef,

12 mini potatos or 2 or 3 mid-size potatos,

3-5 carrots,

1 onion,

5 gloves of garlic,

3 small pieces of Japanese curry,

1  tea spoon of salt, 1-2 tea spoon of black pepper, and a little bit soy sauce (optional). 

2 cups of water. 

做法:牛肉切小塊用鹽和黑胡椒粉醃製一下。小土豆切塊,胡蘿卜去皮切塊。蔥頭切絲。蒜切碎。把兩小塊牛油放入法式鑄鐵鍋中中小火煎出油。放入醃好的牛肉塊煸炒至變色。盛出來後放蔥絲炒香。再放胡蘿卜,土豆炒一下。放入牛肉,蒜蓉。炒香後加醬油,大概一勺one table spoon, 放入咖喱塊,再加兩杯水。水開後轉小火慢燉一個半小時。蓋好蓋子。非常好吃。


1. Wash the beef and cut it into small cubes, sauted with salt and black pepper. (Another method is to put the cube pieces into a pot, add cold water to the half level of the pot. Use the small heat to heat the pot to boil. Let it boil for 2 to 3 minutes. Get the pot off the heat. Use the warm water to wash out the foams or other stuff until the water is clear). 

2. Cut the potato into pieces, peel the carrots and cut in into pieces. 

3. Slice the onion and chop the garlic. 

4. Use mediam heat. In a LC pot, put some oil in the pot. Put the beef cubes to stir fry it for a while. Get the beef out. 

5. Put sliced onion to stir fry till you can smell the fregrent. Then put carrots and potatos to stir fry for 2-3 minutes. 

6.  Put the beef in the pot. Add chopped garlic. Stir fry for one minute. Then add one tea spoon of soy sause (optional) and three small pieces of Japanese curry. 

7. Add 2 cups of warm water. 

8. Turn the heat to minimum after the water is boiling. Put the pot cover on and simmer it for 1 hour and 30 minutes. 










