My life in ruins 我的廢墟生活
文章來源: 樸心客2016-03-19 20:39:56

非常喜歡看一些輕鬆的帶有喜劇的,關於生活和愛情的,結局總是花好月園美滿的電影,不覺得心累。看完電影《My life in ruins》中文譯名我的廢墟生活,在心中反複回味,餘韻繞梁,迫切地想寫點什麽,不吐不快。

Georgia是一位大齡美女,出生在希臘的美國人,是一位導遊,常年帶著遊客們在希臘的名勝古跡間穿行。日複一日的重複的景點介紹,重複的地方走許多遍,還有一批又一批文化背景不同的遊客們,不禁讓Georgia陷入了沮喪。"How do you plan life?"

直到遇見一位可愛的老人說分享: all you gotta do is let it happen


Life doesn’t always go the way you want it to. The trick is to go where the wind blows and make the best of it. 

“Listen to the wind blowing through the columns. That is the same wind that mankind has listened to for centuries. It’s the sound of nature meeting human imagination. And for me that’s history.”