文章來源: 高斯曼2019-06-10 10:59:59


每次換車都是LD去買一台美國製造的車給我開,究其原因是不想讓美國人失業。這次換車我決定自己選一台日本車。昨天去車行看中了一台Mitsubishi的Overland, 在簽字購買的一霎那,我覺得還是打電話告訴一聲為好。沒想到LD堅決不同意。失望的回家後問其原因,他在電腦上找出來指給我看:

Mitsubishi A6M Zero

A Japanese Navy "Zero" fighter (tail code A1-108) takes off from the aircraft carrier Akagi, on its way to attack Pearl Harbor during the morning of 7 December 1941.

--- LD bought a Toyota RAV4 for me,a nice brand new car for cheap.

--- And my question is: what is the difference between Mitsubishi and Toyota, they are all Japanese cars?

他找出另外一頁說, Here is the answer:

On the day before the war ended, American bombers destroyed a quarter of a new Toyota plant. A full scale bombing raid, intended to take place a week later, had the objective of destroying the entire plant but never took place.


--- Some Americans feel sorry for Toyota.