速描《金瓶梅》第 80 回/100
文章來源: 寶爾2017-01-08 10:08:13

西門慶死後,白吃白喝占過他便宜的哥們,怕閻王爺找麻煩,七人湊七錢(西門慶給小費都比這高)草草辦了喪。西門慶五妻金蓮與西門慶女婿陳經濟肆意恣情。34歲的二妻李嬌兒盜財, 又與正妻兄有首尾,被驅逐家門,嫁張二官做二房。張二官花千兩銀要買下西門慶法官職位,西門慶一死, 重新洗牌了。

After Ximen dies, his friends are afraid that the evil will take them, so they collect coins (the amount is less than Ximen’s tips to others) to pay for Ximen’s funeral. Ximen’s 5th wife Jin fools around with Ximen’s son-in-law. Ximen’s 3rd wife is 34 years old, steals money and has an affair with the 1st wife's brother, she then is kicked out of house, later, she marries Zhang as his 2nd wife. Zhang pays 1000 pieces of silver to buy Ximen’s former official position. Game over.