速描好萊塢開拍《水滸傳》, 續聊《金瓶梅》第 87 回
文章來源: 寶爾2017-01-11 11:45:54

且不談好萊塢開拍《水滸傳》的其他演員扮演的人物, 隻談與《金瓶梅》有關的重要三人物: 西門慶, 潘金蓮和武鬆。 

《金瓶梅》借用450多年前的《水滸傳》廣為人知的打虎武鬆, 血濺鴛鴦樓,眠花臥柳的西門慶偷與淫蕩無度的潘金蓮,改編織成《金瓶梅》,《水滸傳》裏,寫武鬆的俠,怒殺潘金蓮和西門慶,懸雙頭於兄靈前為哥報仇。而《金瓶梅》,寫西門慶的欲, 死於金蓮床榻

"Water Margin" focus on heroism, Wu Song killed Ximen and JIn as they had murdered his brother to cover up their scandal affair; while "Jin Ping Mei" forcus on human greediness,  Ximen was killed by lust and desire in Jin's bed.