有愛相伴的日子 20180107 周日Air purifier
文章來源: 如花美眷-012018-01-09 08:52:35
晚上八點多他過來了,看了一集電視劇,Eyedrops 用完了,我說你明天買一個帶過來吧,他說:I'm not

coming tomorrow.",哦,是我忘了,我還有點咳嗽,身上也起了點 rash 他說:You are not
100%, 說他可以等,我們周三會再見,我沒聽他的。。。



“Hey, want to go see the pharmacist together after work and grab *** for supper? Get some

cream for you."

    Not going roommate tonight?

Yes, but I can go after supper。

    My shift is 5-9 today, I can cancel it though

No it's good. Go do that

    You were hot last night

Thanks baby. It was awesome


Be careful tonight in the snow

    I will, thanks baby

回到家才知道他晚上來過又走了,買了 Eyedrops, Cream, and Lotion 放在我洗手間,還買了一個 Air

purifier 裝在了客廳除味。

    發了微信過去:Thank you baby

How was work? You're welcome baby

    Good. Is that a filter?

The rash cream can make your skin dry, so use it then the skin cream on top. Yes, one of those smoke
filters I told you before.

    Where did you get it?

From a store :)

    Rented or bought it?

Bought it. You seem to need one. :) It will filter smoke with the ion setting as well as mold with the uv light


The ion setting is on now for smoke. Hopefully in a few days the air is much better. Just let it run

    Okay. Thought you would had fun with roommate

Wanted to take care of you first

    I feel so warm. Good night baby

Night baby
