文章來源: 天涼好秋2019-04-26 18:32:58


“As many of you already know, we have a pair of Canada Geese, who have chosen our cafeteria patio to nest. The male is usually camped out by the door to the patio, while the female is sitting on her eggs. Everyone, meet Frank and Mabel:

Frank is just a concerned Dad-to-be, trying to keep his wife Mabel and their unborn babies safe. There is no need to be afraid of Frank and Mabel, as long as you respect their space and keep your distance. If Frank opens his beak or hisses at you, that is your cue to back away. Also keep your distance from Mabel and the nest she is usually sitting on.

Once the goslings hatch in a couple of weeks, the family will move on in search of food, so this is a temporary situation.

In general, it is a good idea to keep your distance from any Canada Goose at this time of year, as they are nesting or have little goslings, and can get quite defensive.

I’m sure we can all get along with Frank and Mabel for the brief nesting period. We are working with Building Operations staff to try and create a bit of a temporary barrier, to help generate a bit of space between Frank and the patio door, and to keep them from nesting in the same area again next year.

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.”


在加拿大見到Canada Geese實在是不足為奇,不過我立刻也被眼前這對神仙夫婦氣定神閑地觀看足球賽的畫麵吸引了。或許是因為今年加拿大的冬天太冷太長?看到他們有一種莫名的蠢蠢欲動的欣喜。





我把這個email反反複複讀了好幾遍,覺得它寫得真好,不禁讓人對這對露台上的Frank和Mabel夫婦有了更多的諒解和疼愛,還能體會到公司對員工的那份關心和在意!不忍刪掉,決定把這篇暖暖的文字存在我的博客裏,和喜歡加拿大雁(Canada Geese)的朋友們一起分享。



