文章來源: 遠看2015-07-16 09:40:25

低筋粉(cake flour)100克
泡打粉(baking powder)½茶匙
鹽 ¼茶匙
雞蛋 2隻
雲呢拿香精(vanilla extract)¼茶匙
幼砂糖 70克
無鹽牛油(先行融解,放涼至室溫) 80克 + 少許塗焗盤用
預熱焗爐至180C / 356F. 焗架置上半層。
拿出焗盤和麵糊,用雪糕匙或大匙羹,小心地把麵糊置入每個盤孔中,約3/4滿(不用撥平表麵)。放入焗爐中,焗約 9分鐘。見邊緣轉金黃,用手指按壓中央,感覺回彈,即成。拿出脫模,放置在鐵架上放涼些,就可享用。或完全放涼。灑少許糖霜在上麵裝飾。


Hymn To Love - Corey Hart

If the sky should fall into the sea
And the stars fade all around me
All the times that w have known here
I will sing a hymn to love
We have lived and dreamed we two alone
In a world thdt's been our very own
With it's memories ever grateful
Just for you I sing a hymn to love
I remember each embrace
The smile that enlights your face
And my heart begins to sing
Your eyes have never lied
And my heart begins to sing
And my heart begins to sing
Lf one day you should ever disappear
Always remember these words
Lf one day we had to say goodbye
And our love should fade away and die
In my heart you will remain here
And I'II sing a hymn to love
O for love we live eternally
In the blue we'll roll this harmony
With every day we are in heaven
As for you I'll sing a hymn to love
Don't you ever worry dear
And the stars shall fade from the sky
All the times that we have known here
I will sing a hymn to our love
Oh darling
Just for you I sing
A hymn to love