文章來源: tea_fan2016-01-10 18:43:03







世界上最遙遠的距離 : 真的是英文詩嗎? 答,不是
世界上最遙遠的距離是英詩中譯嗎? 答,不是.
近年來網上流行一首中英對照的詩。中文名是“世界上最遙遠的距離“。英文題是”The furthest distance in the world.” 很多的轉載者都引用此詩為英語詩 (e.g. 外文詩欣賞:世界上最遙遠的距離。) 更有不少論壇, blog, 等等,說這是 Tagore 泰戈爾的詩。這是真的嗎。

此詩被誤傳為以泰戈爾的作品,其實第一段是張小嫻所作,後來被一群台灣學生改編了(集體創作接龍 ) .不是英文詩,不是泰戈爾的作品。 網上亂說這是泰戈爾的作品的人很多。 用百度或Google搜一下。你可見千千萬萬個。 這些人都是以訛傳訛,自己沒有審核過,在別處看到有人說是泰戈爾,便自己也說是“老泰”的作品。 更有些說是“飛鳥與魚”。其實隻要在網上搜一搜泰戈爾詩的英譯本看一看,便立即看出泰戈爾的詩根本不是這樣的風格。 此詩並非”泰戈爾”的作品, 也不是英語詩。第一段是張小嫻的作品,後來被一群台灣學生改編了,加了後兩段 (集體創作接龍 )-網上可找到有其它多段落的版本.

這誤傳現以傳入外國的語文論壇。 有些中國留學生把這詩錄入了外國的語文論壇。 有些非英語母語人事也以為這是泰戈爾的作品,也繼續傳出去,越傳越多。
你隻要找一個真正的泰戈爾學者問一下,或是給這詩他/她 看看便可知。 切不要問那些說懂其實不懂的人!更有些人開個博客,貼上泰戈爾的作品,把這個也貼了上去。把它說是”飛鳥與魚“。其實 ”Stray Birds” (飛鳥集) 上根本無此詩。風格也不同。

Some of you may have come across one of the following two posts “The Furthest distance in the World”, “世界上最遙遠的距離.” Some BBSes have the Chinese version down as translated from the “English version” while a few even claim the English version as the work of Tagore.
Is it really?
The answer is an unequivocal NO.

誤傳的其中一個原因,是很多人以為 “Furthest Distance in the World” 是英文板。 其實是中譯英。 是誰譯的 ? 甚麼不會是英語板?If your English is not too bad, you should be able to tell that none of the nine versions found on the Internet is anywhere near “good English.” I am not knocking them all. Some versions are quite “readable”, but they cannot possibly be an “English translation” from Bengalese–the language Taogore wrote in–done by British scholars.

From: 『泰戈爾詩集』,以三民書局出版(第八版)中譯本為本的話。其中計收錄漂鳥集、新月集、採果集、頌歌集、園丁集、愛貽集、橫渡集,****>但無『世界上最遙遠的距離』一詩<****。 其中漂鳥集共計三百二十六首,平均每首字數僅一、二行;最多為四行。現在網路上盛傳出自『泰戈爾詩集』「漂鳥集」的『世界上最遙遠的距離』至於其他小段,雖無法一一查清真正作者,但在陽明神農坡( 九一級醫學係可以查到蛛絲馬跡,可推定是集體創作接龍。

最初的英文版是 "Furthest Distance in the World". 是 Muyv (Xiaoyun Ji)所譯:
(i) 此詩原為張小嫻在她的一本書《湖邊有顆許願樹》的最後寫的話;後為muyv翻譯成英文. Muyv (Xiaoyun Ji)

不久之後,又有一個叫做(魚與飛鳥)/(的魚與魚)的版本。 被亂傳為出自“老泰的的飛鳥集”。這個人 (wubo (五伯))說是他寫的。 請看 第6樓. 此版網上多傳為林汐所作:見 (作者:林汐 錄入新月於 August 03, 2003.

引 集體接龍之作署名泰戈爾








不是明明無法抵擋這股想念 {{—上麵英文板所漏了的一行


The furthest distance in the world
The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don’t know that
I love you

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when i stand in font of you
Yet you can’t see my love
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
Yet cannot
Be together

The furthest distance in the world
Is not being apart while being in love
But when plainly can not resist the yearning
Yet pretending
You have never been in my heart

The furthest distance in the world
Is not <– (是漏了一行)
But using one’s indifferent heart
To dig an uncrossable river
For the one who loves you


作者:林汐  錄入新月於 August 03, 2003 at 07:32:54: Update April 12th, 2007(**Believe it or not, this guy, wubo (五伯), said he wrote it.請看 第6樓 )











誰譯的 ?

So who started this "furthest distance"? According to this guy, he did. 這個人說是他從中譯英的。 (Quote:。“I did the English translation here" means he translated it. But did he really? Or did he just quoted what he found. But either way, there is no way the "Furthest distance" was originally in English.
This is a poem pretty popular on the Chinese BBS, it is rumored to be written by Tagel(Tagore), but I couldn't find the English version of it, so I tend to belive another version of its origin : written by a Taiwan girl on a college BBS. I did the English translation here, as always, I hate words floating out under my own pen, especially translations, all the beauty of the words are lost, and you see it in one glance. {end of quote} Update: April 12th, 2007. This chap reaffirms he was the one that did the original translation, and explains why a line was missing. 寫的有關他自己此譯文的典故 by Xiaoyun Ji

The most popular version circulating on the Web is the one with the missing line. Recently, I came across two more of the same “English version”, except this time, the missing line is in place. 網上流傳最廣的板本,是漏了一行的板。下麵 III-3 是沒有漏了一行的板。 網上有至少九個不同的英譯本,其中有三個爛得很 (see 點擊 Here )。全不是英文。但仍有人拍掌說好. 比較可以的是(原譯者: Muyv (Furthesd Distance), AlwaysBlue (Farthest Distance) 及 Howard2005 (Farthest Distance) 的譯本 (網上很多很多的轉貼把他們自己說成是譯者或作者。)


Less seen on the Web is the one with the complete translated text. Before I put that on, let me quote you something.

The furthest (i) distance in the world
Is not between life and death
(ii) 不是生與死
But (iii) when I stand in front of you
Yet you don’t know that
I love you
The furthest distance in the world
Is not when i stand in front of you
Yet you can’t see my love
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
Yet can not Be togehter
The furthest distance in the world
Is not being apart while being in love
But when plainly cannot resist the yearning
Yet pretending 而是明明無法抵擋這股想念
You have never been in my heart
The furthest distance in the world
Is not when plainly can not(iv) resist the yearning
Yet pretending you have never been in my heart
But using one’s indifferent heart
To dig an uncrossable river For the one who loves you


這是 AlwaysBlue 所譯。 出自: Farthest Distance in the World
作者 AlwaysBlue 發表於 2003-09-25 09:02:47

引:(Quote) The poem is said to be written by Tagore, but I just failed to find it in Tagore's Poetry. The following is my clumsy translation, and a friend of mine has made some corrections. (End of Quote)

The Farthest Distance in The World

The farthest distance in the world
is not the space between life and death,
but that you don't know I love you while I am standing in front of you.
The farthest distance in the world
is not that you don't know I love you while I am standing in front of you,
but that we can't be together though we both love each other.
The farthest distance in the world
is not that we can't be together while we both love each other,
but that I have to pretend that I don't care about you at all while I can't help missing you.
The farthest distance in the world
is not that I have to pretend that I don't care about you at all while I can't help missing you,
but that you build an unsurpassable gap between you and your lover unmercifully.

網上10 個不同的英譯本連接列表

(i) Furthest Distance In the World.原譯者 Muyv流傳最廣,也可能是第一個譯本)
(ii) Farthest Distance in the World. 原譯者 Always Blue
(iii) Farthest Distance in the World 五伯/林汐 version. 原譯者 Howard 2005″ (2 versions, floors 1 and 18)
(iv) Farthest Distance in the World: Version posted by 陽光天使 (不知是原譯或是轉載) at “Farthest Distance in the World”
(v) Furthest Distance in the World, translated by “bobbie” in her MSN Space!F271795F55DD8640!666.entry?wa=wsignin1.0 This is a better version as she recognized the need to use “it is”. The other versions are all missing the verb “is” in “is when”.
(vi)比較多錯的 The most distant way in the world. Originally translated by 原譯者 Fei
(vii) 比較多錯的 The farest(sic) distance in the world. Originally translated by 原譯者不詳
(viii)慘不忍讀譯文 1, 原譯者不詳
(ix)慘不忍讀譯文 2, 原譯者不詳
(ix)慘不忍讀譯文3 The most distance way (quoted by Gitanjali) 原譯者不詳

69699 論壇上的英語版以不存在。但原文仍可在 可看到 。



The remotest distance is not in the world ;
Raw and dead but;
I stand in front of you;
But you do not know that I love you
The remotest distance is not in the world ;
I stand in front of you;
You know but I love you but;
Know obviously that in love each other;
But can’t be together
The remotest distance is not in the world ;
Know obviously that in love each other;
Can’t together but;
It is unable to block and resist this burst to miss obviously ;
But must pretend not to place you on in the heart at all on purpose
The remotest distance is not in the world ;
It is unable to keep out this burst to miss obviously ;
It but must pretend on purpose it place on in the heart at all you but;
Use one’s own cold and detached heart;
Have dug a piece of irrigation canals and ditches that can’t be crossed over to the person who loves you !!(Update: Jan 2008. Thank goodness, the guys at finally dismanlted their “English Corner.” It was really a disgrace to keep all those nonsensical English at that site, and with their readers praising how good they are. To view an archived copy of this hilarious translation, go to:

The remotest distance is not in the world ;
Raw and dead but;
I stand in front of you;
But you do not know that I love you
The remotest distance is not in the world ;
I stand in front of you;
You know but I love you but;
Know obviously that in love each other;
But can’t be together
The remotest distance is not in the world ;
Know obviously that in love each other;
Can’t together but;
It is unable to block and resist this burst to miss obviously ;
But must pretend not to place you on in the heart at all on purpose
The remotest distance is not in the world ;
It is unable to keep out this burst to miss obviously ;
It but must pretend on purpose it place on in the heart at all you but;
Use one’s own cold and detached heart;
Have dug a piece of irrigation canals and ditches that can’t be crossed over to the person who loves you !!
On the boundary farthest distance
Is not to living with die
But is I stand in your in front however you do not know that I love you Farthest distance in the world
Is not I stand in your in front however you do not know that I love you
But is to know perfectly well the way love each other each other however can’t together
Farthest distance in the world
Is not to know perfectly well the way love each other each other however can’t together
But can’t resist clearly this remember fondly
Return however of set up for intentionally the slightest not present to mind you
Farthest distance in the world
Is not to can’t resist clearly this remember fondly
Return however of set up for intentionally the slightest not present to mind you
But is a heart to use oneself’s inhospitality to love your person
Dig a can’t across the however deep
The strangest thing is, some of the people who read them think they are good. Do they know any English? Some of these are posted by the hosts of the particular forum. Don’t you have to know some English to be a host of an “English” forum?

Another bad translation.
The “Farest”??!! Distance in the World

The farest distance in the world
is not that between living and death
it is
when I am just before u
u even don’t know that I love u

The farest distance in the world
is not
when I am just before u
u even don’t know that I love u
it is
while both of them know that they love each other
they just cannot come together

The farest distance in the world
is not
while both of them know that they love each other
they just cannot come together
it is
clearly awaring of no way to resist the miss
I have to pretend caring nothing of u

The farest distance in the world
is not
clearly awaring of no way to resist the miss
I have to pretend caring nothing of u
it is
with a cold heart u dig
a vast gap of no access for the one loving u

Farthest, furthest, longest, or widest?

Some people raised the question of whether “farther” or “further” should be used in the translation for “最遙遠的距離”. People who are for “further” pointed out that some dictionaries claim that both further and farther can be used for distances. Supporters for the use of “farther” pointed to writing style guides, such as the authoritative”The Little Brown Handbook”, that stipulate “farther” is for distance, and “further” is for degree.

Mr. Yeti at the Rainlane BBS Wrote:”My personal opinion—feel free to disagree—is that we are talking about the distance between two objects. Farther or farthest is measured with respect to a fixed point: Jim lives farther from me than Jill, but John lives the farthest. In 世界上最遙遠的距離, we are talking about “Of all the 距離s in 世界上, this one is the 最遙遠的.” I.e. “Of all the distances between two objects in the world, this one is the LONGEST.”