2011年一位女網友在大千問了我一個關於TD的投資問題 五
文章來源: 股市小書生2018-03-16 10:35:58
“We’ve really made the money out of high quality businesses. In some cases, we bought the whole business. And in some cases, we just bought a big block of stock. But when you analyze what happened, the big money’s been made in the high quality businesses. And most of the other people who’ve made a lot of money have done so in high quality businesses.” - 芒格 

毫無疑問,普通投資者應該專心選擇投資優秀企業,因為投資平庸的企業成功的難度非常大,對投資者的綜合要求很高。但是即便是專注於優秀企業 ,如何投資依然是需要刻苦學習的,投資本身就是一門職業。


“It’s hard to tell with economics – that’s the one thing I’ve learned. We don’t ever try to make money by predicting economics. Macro stuff is very hard to predict… you’ve seen that over the years when people come on [CNBC] and try and predict what the economy is going to do. Charlie and I have never made a marketable security decision or the purchase of an entire business where we’ve talked at all about macroeconomics.” - 巴菲特


To be a successful investor, you have to have a philosophy and process you believe in and can stick to, even under pressure. Since no approach will allow you to profit from all types of opportunities or in all environments, you have to be willing to not participate in everything that goes up, only the things that fit your approach. To be a disciplined investor, you have to be able to stand by and watch as other people make money in things you passed on. - The truth about investing.


真正的大機會,把握住一次足以改變境遇;把握住兩次將開啟全新的人生;把握住三次整個家族都會不同。- 水晶蒼蠅拍

在女網友投資TD的例子中,TD的股價實際升幅並不算大,過去7年隻有一倍,未來三年也隻能是在30-50%之間,為什麽這樣一個看起來表現並不特別的投資卻能夠讓一個普通工薪族從零開始實現初級財務自由,如果合理使用金融杠杆,可以成功賺取人生的第一 個一百萬呢?

It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results“ - 巴菲特

I've learned many things from him (George Soros), but perhaps the most significant is that it's not whether you're right or wrong, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong.

  • Stanley Druckenmiller as quoted in The New Market Wizards 


在這個資本運作例子中(包含金融杠杆),第一個十年是實現零到一百萬, 第二個十年是一百萬到一千萬,第三個十年是一千萬到一億。李嘉誠,馬雲,王建林。。。。。。都是使用完全一樣的資本邏輯取得成功的。


Investing is simple, but not easy.”-   Warren Buffett
前些日子有朋友請我吃飯。這位朋友幾十年前以難民身份來到加國,一進加國就欠了580元的債務,因為他自己有20元, 偷渡的服務費是600。 從第一份洗碗工開始,前八年積攢了3萬,然後另一位朋友出資3萬,二人合夥開了一個小生意,經營了30年,現在有一個2000萬規模的公司。


從6萬到 2000萬,大多數普通人都會覺得遙不可極,但是從資本的角度看,是完全可以理解的。在經營擴張過程中,資本借貸是非常正常的一件事。如果我們以經營一家銀行的態度來思考對TD的投資,那麽一個普通人也同樣可以以經營銀行的方式實現6萬到2000萬的發展。


