文章來源: 股市小書生2017-05-11 14:10:58
人生中的一個個選擇總可以有從戰略的或者戰術的角度去選擇,從戰術戰役的角度看問題就不免拘泥於一城一地的局部得失。從戰略的角度去看問題則是不斷從一個個舊的平衡走向一個個新的平衡。-  《羅輯思維》


Investing Isn’t Rocket Science

Buffett: You don’t have to know how to value all businesses. You have to stay within your circle of competence, and pick companies that sell for less than what they’re worth. Some don’t lend themselves to valuations, so you should ignore them…If you are in the investment business and have an IQ of 150, sell 30 points to someone else. You do have to have an emotional stability and an inner peace about your decisions. It is a game where you are bombarded by minute-by-minute opinions. It’s not a complicated game. It’s simple, but it’s not easy. You have to have an emotional stability.

Munger: There’s so much that’s false and nutty in modern banking and academia. If you just reduce the nonsense, that’s all you can reasonably hope for. If you think you have an IQ of 160 but it’s 150, you’re a disaster. It’s much better to have a 130 IQ and think it’s 120.


“在投資的世界裏,一次大機會的成果遠超過千百次的小折騰。同樣的時代大家其實麵臨的機會都差不多,區別隻在於把握度。真正的大機會,把握住一次足以改變境遇;把握住兩次將開啟全新的人生;把握住三次整個家族都會不同從a股曆史規律來看,其實每3-5年都大概率的會碰到一次好機會,然而大多數人早已在各種小折騰中荒廢了。“ - 

在過去幾年的投資實踐中, 我已經非常幸運的把握住了一次大的機會,我希望在今後的3-5年的時間內完成第二次和第三次,從而提升整個家族的經濟狀況。每個人或家庭的經濟財務目標都是不同的,我的目標是:

 把握第二次的大機會, 將投資資產現金流達到普通工薪家庭收入的3-5倍。   

把握第三次的大機會, 將投資資產現金流達到普通工薪家庭收入的5-10倍。



“If you look at the typical stock on the New York Stock Exchange, its high will be, perhaps, for the last 12 months will be 150 percent of its low so they’re bobbing all over the place. All you have to do is sit there and wait until something is really attractive that you understand.”

“There’s almost nothing where the game is stacked more in your favor like the stock market”

“What happens is people start listening to everybody talk on television or whatever it may be or read the paper, and they take what is a fundamental advantage and turn it into a disadvantage. There’s no easier game than stocks. You have to be sure you don’t play it too often”

They bet big when they have the odds. And the rest of the time, they don't. It's just that simple.

How many insights do you need? Well, I'd argue: that you don't need many in a lifetime. If you look at Berkshire Hathaway and all of its accumulated billions, the top ten insights account for most of it. And that's with a very brilliant man Warren's a lot more able than I am and very disciplined devoting his lifetime to it. I don't mean to say that he's only had ten insights. I'm just saying, that most of the money came from ten insights.

So you can get very remarkable investment results if you think more like a winning pari-mutuel player. Just think of it as a heavy odds against game full of craziness with an occasional mispriced something or other. And you're probably not going to be smart enough to find thousands in a lifetime. And when you get a few, you really load up. It's just that simple.

參考老巴和芒格的投資經驗,投資成功的要點是在於精,而不是多, 所以加國的股市市場相對於我個人的資金量,已經提供了足夠多和大的機會。 而我也在加國的市場中進一步的將自己的投資目標集中在藍籌紅利股的小範圍內,基本包括加國的金融 ,保險,地產,通信和能源。



對資產漲和跌的精確預測很難,但做出符合自己長期利益的決策卻沒有那麽難。首先是要站在大概率和常識的一邊,所謂君子不立於危牆下;其次安排好中長期的對策,讓自己處於必贏的位置,最多付出時間代價而已;最後,學會做取舍。短期利益服從長期利益,戰術安排服從戰略規劃,盈利目標服從風控原則。這其實就是贏家守則。 -  水晶蒼蠅拍

大機會分兩種:一種是看準一個大趨勢與時代一起成長。比如房地產的這十幾年,單個年份來看漲幅也並不驚人,大收益其實也是熬出來的;另一種是從危機中把握機遇,將大眾的恐懼和貪婪為我所用。前一種需要很好的前瞻性和大格局,後一種需要對風險和機會敏銳的直覺和洞察力,而兩者共用的要求是:強大的耐心和堅毅的品格。-  水晶蒼蠅拍


實際操作方式是比較簡單的,等待加國的金融 ,保險,地產,通信和能源類個股出現恐慌性的市場回調時,大量買入 ,待市場平穩時賣出三分之一 或二分之一,反複重複這個投資戰術動作,最終實現自己的戰略目標。

從風險角度考慮,在恐慌性的市場回調時,買入加國的金融 ,保險,地產,通信和能源類藍籌紅利股票持有3-5年時間,到目前為止,還不曾出現過重大的敗績,基本都可以實行盈利。 我隻考慮加國市場中的行業龍頭,因為加國的商業市場壟斷現象比較明顯。

如果在未來的3-5年中,市場沒有出現我可以理解和成功參與的投資大機會,參照長期的市場增長均值,我的投資組合依然可以有一倍左右的投資收益增長,雖然實現不了我期望的投資目標,但是依然可以在現有的基礎上大幅度的提升我 的經濟實力。
