文章來源: 南島水鳥2019-06-08 17:03:14


展櫃的旁邊有一張告示 “ Your Collection ”,大意是,這是一個非常 personal 藏品展,每一個展櫃內的展品都是個人的收藏,目的就是通過展覽去分享這些展品的樂趣。



* 這些展品是銅搪瓷Copper enamelling藝術/工藝品,也稱銅琺琅。銅搪瓷是玻璃和金屬在高溫下的熔合物,製作時用粉末玻璃或液體粉末放在金屬表麵,高溫下溶化產生不同的顏色圖形,.是 20 世紀 60 - 70 年代的很流行的工藝技術。

* 海貝,就是間接地表現澳洲的人特有的海洋文化。收藏的主人說從小生活在海邊,遊泳和衝浪是主要愛好,在海灘上拾起海貝並且收藏,是體現了他與海水之間的情憾和交流。

* 這套展品很萌,是來自一個中學生的收藏,生活氣息強。看出收藏者很注意細微的東西,學習某種東西並且吸收與之有關聯的養份,很有生活情趣。

* 這套展品是一個華人女士的收藏。其中有澳洲郵局發行的十二生肖郵票小型張很漂亮,別具一格。澳洲還是蠻注重在適當的時機和場合展示異國的曆史文化,切合多元文化的社會發展的方向。

* 最後這一組是我自己的收藏:印度和其他國家的小銅器。

這組小銅器裏麵包括有:一對天鵝,一對老鼠,一雙鞋,一對鈴鐺,一套物品(壺、鍋、水桶 ),一個天平秤,一個香爐、一個蠟燭台(可以同時放入蠟燭和火柴盒),一個有琺琅圖案的牙邊花碗,一個帶勺子的刻花碗,一套帶 6 個杯子的茶壺,兩個大小不一的水壺。


I live near the water where there are many waterfowl and sometimes you can see black swans. They are a beautiful sight.

Years ago, I saw a pair of Indian brass swans in an Op shop. They reminded me of the black swans on the water and I immediately decided to buy them. Starting with this pair of brass swans, I began to collect small brass figures from India and other countries.

They are beautiful shapes, well-made, easy to carry, and non-breakable, so convenient items to collect.

Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.

As one time, People used copper pots to clean water. It was believed that the metal contained trace elements which could eliminate bacteria.

In the past, Nomads hung the copper containers filled with water on both sides of their saddles. The containers had flat sides, so that they would not swing from side to side but rest against the side of the horse. 

These Indian copper containers are elegantly patterned and used in sacred rituals, the flat sides are convenient for placing against the wall. As home decorations they symbolise good luck.         

I collected the six small cups and a teapot from different Op shops, but they look good together, like a set. I hope to find a matching plate so that it can become an Indian copper tea set!

I enjoy searching for, finding and collecting these pieces. I get some knowledge and great satisfaction from appreciating the shapes, patterns, colours and craftsmanship and from researching the sources and history. It’s very enjoyable and makes me relax.
