《Little Women》2
文章來源: 雪中梅2019-03-17 19:58:24

  On Christmas morning , each of the four girls woke up to find a copy of Pilgrim's Progress under her pillow. Meg told her sisters that she was going to read a little each morning , both to keep her spirits up and to help her be good. Then Jo spoke up.

  "Look how good Meg is. Come on, girls, let's do the same."

  Soon, all four sisters were seated at the little tables in their bedrooms reading their books. After a half hour, they went downstairs to wish their mother" Merry Christmas," only to find that she wasn't there.

  Meg asked where she had gone, and Hannah replied, "Someone came a callin' and your ma went straightaway to see if she could help."

  The girls got everything ready to surprise their mother. Jo softened the new slippers by dancing around the rooms as Meg readied the gift basket . Beth showed off the handkerchiefs, which she had lovingly embroidered with the word "Mother".

  "Where's Amy's perfume? Meg asked.

  Jo replied, "She went to find a piece of ribbon to tie around the bottle."

 A door slammed and the girls heard steps in the hallway.

  "Quick," said Jo, "there's Mother. Hide the basket!"

  It was only Amy, who looked liked she was up to something.

  Meg asked, "What's that behind your back?"

  "Now don't laugh at me," Amy said, "but I've exchanged my little bottle for a big one, and I've used up all my money." She took the new beautiful bottle out of the bag to show her sisters, who hugged her. "I was ashamed of my present after reading about being good and kind this morning, ao I went to get Marmee something better."

  The door banged a second time. Meg shoved the basket under the sofa, and the girls went to the table, eager for their Christmas breakfast. When their mother came into the room, they all cried out, "Thank you for the presents, Marmee. We've already read some, and will read more each day!"

  "Merry Christmas, little dauthters! I 'm glad you're enjoying the books. Now, I want to say something. A very poor family lives nearby. They have no fire and are very hungry. Will you girls give them your breakfast as a Christmas present?"

  The girls were desperately hungry after waiting an hour for Marmee, so at first no one said anything. Then, Jo piped up: "I'm so glad we hadn't started yet!"

  Beth said she would love to help carry the food to the poor family. And Amy said she would take the cream and the muffins--the food she loved most. Meg was already covering the pancakes and putting the bread on a plate.

  Mrs. March smiled at her daughters. "When we get back, we'll have bread and milk for breakfast. Then, we'll have a wonderful dinner to make up for everything."

  They were soon ready and left in the cold to help the family in need. When they arrived, they were shoked to see the bare, unheated , miserable room. A sick mother held her crying baby. Six other children huddled under one blanket, but they managed a smile as the March family came inside.

  "Angels have come to help us!" Mrs. Hummel, the mother, cried.

  Jo grinned. "Funny angels in hoods and mittens." Everyone laughed.

  In a few minutes, the room completely changed. Hannah made a fire with wood she had carried. Mrs. March gave Mrs. Hummel tea and oatmeal. Tenderly, she wrapped the newborn. The four March sisters fed the children near the fire. They were very happy to see their joyful faces.

  Once back at home, the girls set out their presents while their mother was out collecting clothed for the poor Hummels. Jo screamed with glee, "She's coming! Beth, play a tune. Amy, get the door. Three cheers for Marmee!" Jo marched around on her long legs.
