文章來源: lin135902019-08-31 15:49:37
我們有套在學校旁房子,以前是帶家具出租的,客人前段時間搬走了,為了以後省事,我們想把家具賣掉,因此就在Craigslist上登了廣告,廣告剛登兩分鍾,就來了個短信,說現在fake廣告太多了,為了核實我廣告的真實性,即非機器人所為,會送給我一個驗證碼,收到後需要轉交給他(她),隨後就真收到了Google Voice 的驗證碼,可我的直覺是正常人覺得廣告有問題,不理就是了,何必麻煩去核實。到網上一查,才知道這是Craigslist上的新騙術,許多人上當,騙子利用你廣告中手機號去Google Voice 申請一新的電話號碼,Google Voice 會送短信驗證碼到你手機,如果你把驗證碼告訴騙子,騙子再去Google Voice完成驗證,就成功地用你手機號碼申請到一個新的電話號碼,然後用這個新的號碼去行騙,人們有來電顯示也無法查到騙子的真實來源,這也似乎好理解了現在騙子電話這麽多,而每次來電顯示都不一樣,防不勝防。
我們有個3室康鬥住著3個(一白,兩墨)女大學生,3人平分房租,交房租一直準時,合約今年7月18日才到期,但4月18日其中一墨女就不交房租了,電話告訴我們說,她沒錢付房租了,我們趕她時,她就離開。5月中另一墨女也不交房租了,說她過幾天就搬走,但白女還是交了她那份房租。於是,我們給她們發了3天通知,兩個老墨說實在有困難,希望多住一星期,但白女想住到6月18號,我們回說,可以讓你們住到月底,但你們3人是一個合同,必須同時月底搬走,白女回答,月底搬走可以,但必須退回她那部分己交的房租。我們當然一口拒絕,告訴她說,你們三人作為一整體還欠我們房租,怎麽可能退你房租?白女很生氣,說她每月都準時交房租,另兩個人欠的房租不能放她頭上,否則她會請律師告我們。白女及兩老墨那天深夜2點發短信及打電話給我們,重複要求我們將那房租退給白女,否則她們就不搬,白女還短信說她叔叔是警察,如果不還她房租,她叔叔及其它警察會來找我們算帳。感覺這3人的行為實在有點過份, 寫了封措辭強烈警告信準備發給她們, 大女兒看了警告信,覺得應該更專業點,將他們違反的條例放進去,口氣可以委婉點,女兒修改後的信(見下麵附件)硬中帶軟,我們覺得非常好,就用短信發給了白女,不到兩分鍾,白女回短信,她會按我們要求的時間內搬走,也不再要求退她房租了。秀才遇到兵,好在最後這兵還明白點道理,否則我們得花更多時間和財力來驅趕房客了。
附件:I want you to know that if I keep receiving calls at 2 am and texts from both you and your roommate trying to push and threaten us to return the money to you, I will reverse my act of goodwill and follow through with the eviction process, which will keep the eviction on your record and make it nearly impossible for you to find future housing. I have on record from your text that you will get your uncle and other police officers to show up at my door if I don’t give you the money that you are demanding. From our communication, your intention to extort money from me by threatening to have your police officer uncle and other officers show up at my door is quite clear. The 18 U.S. Code § 875 of the U.S. Criminal Code states that “Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, any money or other thing of value, transmits any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat made with the intent and the apparent ability to carry out the threat so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his safety,” shall be “fined or imprisoned not more than 20 years or both.” I also have on record so that if you continue to threaten me and/or impose any damage to my property, I have attempted to work things out with you before going to court by communicating both clearly and professionally with you that your move-out date is May 31. If you want your money back, because you signed the same contract as your roommates, which means that you all are responsible for the overall rent due to us, you should ask for the money from your roommates. They were the ones who did not pay the rent and money due to us in the contract that you all agreed to by signing. Your lawyer will tell you the same thing. I am just asking you to move out by May 31, and if you do without trouble, I will stop the eviction process. Please text me if you have any questions at a reasonable hour (before 11 pm).