文章來源: 遠方無聲鴿2014-10-02 06:05:41

我現在對國內的政治問題已沒多少興趣,首先是因為去國太久, 對國內的政治和經濟形勢無法親身經曆,隨便亂說的話是不負責的;二是因為自己現在生活在社會的邊緣,高談政治,基本和北京的出租司機談論中南海政治是一樣的效果。
當一個社會的民眾為何會用一種學運或示威的方法去抗爭政府呢? 不能隻是簡單地說被其他政治團體利用,原因是很複雜的,個人的,曆史的,文化的都有。這是未來學者們去研究的課題。
我記得十多年前上過的一門課,用的教科書至今記憶猶新—- 《Living  with other People》, 我一直留在身邊。談到社會衝突此書這樣寫道:
Social Structures exert a pressure on our personal moral knowing and acting to shift the direction of our performance and thus our capacities for future performance. They do not supplant our knowing and acting; in fact, social forces draw upon and use the self-constituting thrust of moral action. Social forces work through our own operations of moral meaning to form our acting, which in turn forms our character and thus our capacities for future action. What is distinctive about social forces is the way in which other people’s operations of knowing and acting come into the orbit of our own conscious life to shift the orientation of our own knowing and doing and to shape our sense of identity, our image of ourselves as persons. Because we are Creatures of meaning, our capacities for action are formed in large measure by the ideas we have about ourselves, and it is these ideas that are most powerfully communicated in social interaction.
抱歉,因為沒有中文版,你可以自己借Google Translator 翻譯(相信來北美數年的人,這段文字是小菜一碟)。 大意是說這些運動和衝突的後麵其實是人們最深處Identity 的衝突。 我是香港人,還是中國人? 長期以來,香港人有自己的獨特的Identity,相信這次衝突後,這個問題會加劇。
“in our efforts to become our own persons, we not only take on our parents’ particular ideas about ourselves, we also appropriate generalized notions of identity , personhood, and self-worth that are implicitly communicated and reinforced through the social routines of our culture. “
我們總是把自己所認知的價值觀強加給別人,從不考慮“他人”和“我們”的不同處。如何和他人相處,而不是硬要別人站在自己的立場,這恐怕是這個世代麵臨的最大挑戰,也是對我們自己最大的挑戰。單純講政治和經濟是行不通的, 人類隻有上升到形而上的層麵去思考這些問題,才能找到根本性的出路。我喜歡登山寶訓的那句話:“你們用什麽量器給人,也必用什麽量器給你們”。

誰弄髒了香港這塊“靚玻璃”? 張三李四還是王五,答案恐怕隻有天天使用這塊玻璃的香港居民才能回答。還是聽聽他們的聲音吧!