文章來源: 南小鹿2024-06-15 17:32:05


小說第四章,女作家通過男主人公馬克西姆·德溫特(Maxim De Winter)(一位老派的英國紳士)之口,展示了她對大自然細膩的觀察以及她的家花野花理論。馬克西姆在摩納哥蒙特卡洛市與女友約會時,提起了曼陀麗莊園,現將相關段落翻譯如下:





(He said nothing of his life there, no word about himself, but he told me how the sun set there, on a spring afternoon, leaving a glow upon the headland. The sea would look like slate, cold still from the long winter, and from the terrace you could hear the ripple of the coming tide washing in the little bay. The daffodils were in bloom, stirring in the evening breeze, golden heads cupped upon lean stalks, and however many you might pick there would be no thinning of the ranks, they were massed like an army, shoulder to shoulder. On a bank below the lawns, crocuses were planted, golden, pink, and mauve, but by this time they would be past their best, dropping and fading, like pallid snowdrops. The primrose was more vulgar, a homely pleasant creature who appeared in every cranny like a weed. Too early yet for bluebells, their heads were still hidden beneath last year's leaves, but when they came, dwarfing the more humble violet, they choked the very bracken in the woods, and with their colour made a challenge to the sky.

He never would have them in the house, he said. Thrust into vases they became dank and listless, and to see them at their best you must walk in the woods in the morning, about twelve o'clock, when the sun was over head. They had a smoky, rather bitter smell, as though a wild sap ran in their stalks, pungent and juicy. People who plucked bluebells from the woods were vandals; he had forbidden it at Manderley. Sometimes, driving in the country, he had seen bicyclists with huge bunches strapped before them on the handles, the bloom already fading from the dying heads, the ravaged stalks straggling naked and unclean.

The primrose did not mind it quite so much; although a creature of the wilds it had a leaning towards civilization, and preened and smiled in a jam-jar in some cottage window without resentment, living quite a week if given water. No wild flowers came in the house at Manderley. He had special cultivated flowers, grown for the house alone, in the walled garden. A rose was one of the few flowers, he said, that looked better picked than growing. 'A bowl of roses in a drawing-room had a depth of colour and scent they had not possessed in the open. There was something rather blousy about roses in full bloom, something shallow and raucous, like women with untidy hair. In the house they became mysterious and subtle. He had roses in the house at Manderley for eight months in the year. Did I like syringa, he asked me? There was a tree on the edge of the lawn he could smell from his bedroom window. His sister, who was a hard, rather practical person, used to complain that there were too many scents at Manderley, they made her drunk. Perhaps she was right. He did not care. It was the only form of intoxication that appealed to him. His earliest recollection was of great branches of lilac, standing in white jars, and they filled the house with a wistful, poignant smell.

The little pathway down the valley to the bay had clumps of azalea and rhododendron planted to the left of it, and if you wandered down it on a May evening after dinner it was just as though the shrubs had sweated in the air. You could stoop down and pick a fallen petal, crush it between your fingers, and you had there, in the hollow of your hand, the essence of a thousand scents, unbearable and sweet. All from a curled and crumpled petal. And you came out of the valley, heady and rather dazed, to the hard white shingle of the beach and the still water. A curious, perhaps too sudden contrast...)

以上段落中,馬克西姆將英國戶外春天常見的野花一一道來:最早開放的是番紅花和雪花蓮,黃水仙、報春花、香紫堇緊隨其後。水仙和報春花盛放時,番紅花和雪花蓮已經式微了。在英國,bluebell 指的是藍鈴花(Hyacinthoides non-scripta)或圓葉風鈴草(Campanula rotundifolia)的俗名。這兩種野花都是英國原始森林的標配,但藍鈴花是春花,風鈴草是夏花。風鈴草的莖幹折斷時會流出白色的乳液,從文中的花期和莖幹裏流著乳液這一特征判斷,bluebell是風鈴草。風鈴草多次出現在小說中的其他段落,用來表示戶外季節的更替,也代表了一種自由自在的精神,因為這些野花是被排斥在令人窒息的曼陀麗莊園之外的。








(藍鈴花)                          (風鈴草)




筆者的母親尤愛猩紅色的杜鵑(就是曼陀麗莊園的那種),從植物園回來後,母親在自家半敞的後院也種了一株同樣品種的小苗,幾年後伸展的樹枝覆蓋了半麵木圍牆。花開時刻尤為驚豔,鄰居們紛紛跑來拍照。有了真實的生活體驗,筆者完全可以想象的出馬克西姆的第二任太太新婚後初到曼陀麗莊園見到山杜鵑時錯愕的心情。正值五月初,在通往曼陀麗的路上,這些杜鵑花盛開得令人眼花繚亂,一團團的血紅色非常引入注目。小嬌妻無比震驚,“這些是怪物,直衝雲霄,像一個營的士兵排列在一起,,我覺得它們太漂亮了,太強大了;它們根本不像植物。”(These were monsters, rearing to the sky, massed like a battalion, too beautiful I thought, too powerful; they were not like plants at all. )那些山杜鵑不受控製地野蠻生長,高達50英尺(stood fifty feet high),擠占了車道,就連朝西的主臥室的窗台下也都種滿了紅杜鵑。紅色的杜鵑花甚至出現在房間裏,裝飾著已故的麗貝卡的晨間起居室裏的各種盛花器皿。這些火花的花朵昭示著麗貝卡揮之不去的存在、絕世的容顏、熱情奔放的性格、自由的意誌和殺伐果斷的魄力。


山杜鵑花是沒有香味的,個別品種的落葉杜鵑花卻芬芳無比,被稱為香水杜鵑,筆者在自家前院就種了兩株香水杜鵑。陽光明媚的時刻,花香尤為濃烈,很適合做高級香水。這種香水杜鵑沒有山杜鵑那麽抗凍,適合生長在有遮蔽的地方,曼陀麗莊園的歡樂穀(Happy Valley)就是一個理想的清幽避風處。


小說第十章,馬克西姆帶著新婚妻子去歡樂穀探幽,“這裏沒有黑壓壓的樹,沒有盤根錯節的灌木叢,但在狹窄道路的兩邊,長滿了落葉杜鵑和山杜鵑,不是車道上的那些血紅色的巨樹,而是橙紅色、白色和金色的,美麗而優雅,在柔和的夏雨中低垂著它們可愛、嬌嫩的花朵 。空氣中充滿了杜鵑花甜美而醉人的香味,在我看來,花香似乎已經與溪流融合在一起,與我們腳下的雨水和潮濕肥沃的苔蘚融為一體……我們靜靜地站著,沒有說話,低頭看著離我們最近的潔白的花朵,馬克西姆彎下腰,撿起一片落下的花瓣遞給我。花瓣已經壓碎了,傷痕累累,卷曲的邊緣變成了棕色,可當我用手摩擦它時,聞到了一股甜美濃鬱的香味,和長在樹上的新鮮花朵的芬芳沒什麽區別……”

(There were no dark trees here, no tangled undergrowth, but on either side of the narrow path stood azaleas and rhododendrons, not blood-coloured like the giants in the drive, but salmon, white, and gold, things of beauty and of grace, drooping their lovely, delicate heads in the soft summer rain.

The air was full of their scent, sweet and heady, and it seemed to me as though their very essence had mingled with the running waters of the stream, and become one with the falling rain and the dank rich moss beneath our feet……

We stood quite still, not speaking, looking down upon the clear white faces of the flowers closest to us, and Maxim stooped, and picked up a fallen petal and gave it to me. It was crushed and bruised, and turning brown at the curled edge, but as I rubbed it across my hand the scent rose to me, sweet and strong, vivid as the living tree from which it came……)



我們也可以把莊園裏的白色丁香(white lilac)視為麗貝卡無所不在的影響力。 這裏的liliac 指的是歐丁香(syringa vulgaris),通常是淡紫色花,也有白色品種。千萬不可與古詩詞裏的中國紫丁香(Syringa oblata)混為一談。


初夏季節,曼陀麗莊園的室內總陳列著白丁香和玫瑰。某個夏日的早晨,莊園的新女主人懷裏抱滿了丁香花走進圖書館,被下人告知,她應該用麗貝卡用過的花瓶來插丁香花,並且把花瓶擺在相同的位置。後來她精心準備了一場舞會,“整個上午,園丁們都在把鮮花帶進屋裏,有最後一批白色的丁香,還有五英尺高的大羽扇豆和翠雀花,還有成百上千的玫瑰,還有各種各樣的百合花……”(All the morning the gardeners were bringing flowers into the house, the last of the white lilac, and great lupins and delphiniums, five foot high, roses in hundreds, and every sort of lily……” 在女管家的誘騙下,毫不知情的新女主人套上了麗貝卡於生前的最後一次舞會穿過的裙裝,出了大洋相,遭到丈夫訓斥,總之,她被杜鵑花和丁香花徹底打敗了。

(羽扇豆)                                      (翠雀花)

莊園裏還種著忍冬(honeysuckle)和白色的木蘭花(white magnolia),這兩種植物隻在小說裏出現過一次,可以忽略不計。



年輕時的馬克西姆被魅力四射的麗貝卡迷住了,以為得到了集“美貌、智慧、教養”(Beauty, brains,and breeding. )於一身的女性。他後來對自己的第二任妻子坦白,他和麗貝卡結婚後的第五天,“她(麗貝卡)向我講述了她自己的事,告訴我一些我永遠無法向任何活著的人啟齒的事情。”(she told me about herself, told me things I shall never repeat to a living soul.)馬克西姆感受到了極大的恥辱,生平第一次起了激情殺人的念頭。
