文章來源: 笨狼2015-04-28 16:52:56

美國空軍太空司令部是美國太空戰的主要機構,哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)王牌節目60分鍾(60 minutes)做了一個報道,有很多美軍太空戰的機構、製度、運作和其他內幕,也包括美國對中國的態度。

采訪提到在阿布奎基 (新墨西哥州)最新激光武器Starfire Optical Range,是軍方太空戰最新科研。該研控中心是軍方全球定位係統衛星(GPS)管理團隊(不是研發、製造的)就8人,最年輕的才19歲,厲害。


美軍對中國反衛星導彈(2007,2013 13000k公裏高度)的能力憂慮,擔心中國的“非對稱戰爭”,軍方鷹派很關注中俄的太空“研發”,這對話很逗:

David Martin(記者): So where do we get off lecturing the Chinese about testing anti-satellite weapons if we were the first and if we created debris?
Gen. John Hyten: Well, it-- because we learned our lesson and told the world and the Congress said, "You will not test that weapon anymore."

David Martin: --say-- and they say you're developing the capability to threaten them, and that all those satellites are a direct threat to their national security. So why wouldn't they create a capability to take out those satellites?
Gen. John Hyten: You know, the Chinese are also building a very robust exploration program to go to the moon to explore the stars. They could destroy their entire program by going down the way they are.

空軍部長詹姆斯(Deborah Lee James)說美國在太空沒有“武器”,

Image result for Deborah Lee James

而美國空軍太空司令空軍將軍海騰(John Hyten)則暗示美國還有很多“秘密武器”。

Image result for John Hyten



