警花的成長-44 battle ground
文章來源: 警花MM2020-12-12 16:12:34


在老醫生的診所,醫生做了一下體格檢查又抽血化驗。體檢之後老獸醫說他好像摸到脾髒有點大建議做一下 ultrasound. 第二天化驗結果出來肝髒功能異常。他的小診所比較簡陋,沒有特別特殊的儀器,所以就推薦了一個附近的設備齊全的大醫院。I made an appointment right away for abdominal ultrasound. I cannot go inside the hospital because of the Covid restriction. I had to wait in the car while she was having the ultrasound exam. Her radiologist called me sad that her spleen looks normal. But she found a large mass in the abdomen very close to liver,kidney and adrenal gland.

she couldn't tell where this masses arising from and recommend for further testing and oncology consult.

 after ultrasound.