文章來源: Bluebonnets2014-07-04 15:36:00



The Old Man and his Pecan Shop

About 10 years ago my husband Ted searched for a shop where he could purchase pecans and found this pecan shop. He fell in love with the nuts and dry fruits there. One day he came home from the shop with news that the owner is a Holocaust survivor. Then Ted viewed Spielberg’s Schindler’s List a second time and read the book after buying it. When Ted took me to the shop after that, I noticed a newspaper clipping about how Mr. Cooper aided the author and the filmmaker.
Ted was telling Mr. Cooper that his father participated in D-Day and other battles while a distant cousin was confined at a POW camp in Colorado, having been captured in North Africa. These two young men had the same surname but didn’t know one another at all. Ted discovered the cousin in a family tree project, and he told Ted that he felt grateful for the fair treatment of the Americans but was taken by the British after the war for several years of forced labor. Mr. Cooper listened calmly and I was wondering how to change the subject, and then Mr. Cooper spoke softly and deliberately: "America is very generous". I felt deeply touched by the comment. As an immigrant from the Far East, I have also appreciated the enormous warmth and kindness this country has extended to me in addition to the vast opportunities.
Happy 50th birthday, the Pecan Shop! And thank you for the best nuts in town!

(Last year was the 50th anniversary of the Pecan Shop. I presented Mr. Cooper a happy birthday card with this note.)