遙遠的紐芬蘭和拉布拉多 (0) - 計劃篇
文章來源: D802014-08-23 19:08:33

遙遠的紐芬蘭和拉布拉多 (0) - 計劃篇




Plan Map

第1天 Saturday, Aug 2

Driving from Ottawa, ON to Edmundston, NB (740 km, 8 hours)

第2天 Sunday, Aug 3

Driving from Edmundston, NB to Antigonish, NS (720 km, 8 hours)

第3天 Monday, Aug 4

Driving from Antigonish, NS to North Sydney, NS (196 km, 2.5 hours)
Taking ferry from North Sydney to Port aux Basques (11:45AM to 6:00PM)

- Book ferry tickets

Port aux Basques to Norris Point KOA (333 km, 4 hours)
住Norris Point KOA.

第4天 Tuesday, Aug 5

Tableland Trail; Gros Morne National Park Discovery Centre; Lookout Trail; Norris Point;
住Norris Point KOA.

Tableland Trail每天上午10點都有工作人員講解地理和植物知識. 4公裏的TRAIL 邊走邊聽差不多2小時.
4 kms; 3 hours; Easy

Lookout trail是一個300多米的小山,上了山頂,對麵的Gros Morne Mountain清晰可見,Bonne Bay一覽無餘。

第5天 Wednesday, Aug 6

Western Brook Pound; Arches Provincial Park
住Norris Point KOA.

去西布峽灣乘船,得先徒步3公裏(40分鍾)。乘船遊西布峽灣($45一人)。遊艇每日三班:10點, 1點, 和4點。

Arches Provincial Park

第6天 Thursday, Aug 7

Gros Morne Mountain Trail (James Callaghan Trail)
海拔806米,TRAIL 16公裏需要6-8小時。山頂風光無限。

第7天 Friday, Aug 8

Viking Trail Drive - Port au Choix, St. Barbe, Ferry from St. Barbe to Blanc Sablon; Pinware River Provincial Park
Driving from Norris Point KOA to Port au Choix (169 km, 2.5 hours).
Driving from Port au Choix to St Barbe (85 km, 1.5 hours).
Taking ferry from St. Barbe to Blanc Sablon (2hrs, 18:00 - 19:45).

Book ferry tickets

Driving from Blanc Sablon to Pinware River Provincial Park (50 km, 1 hour).
住Pinware River Provincial Park

Port au Choix
With over 5,500 years of habitation, Port au Choix is a prime example of aboriginal settlement in Newfoundland and how these aboriginal groups changed over time. With archaeological finds from the Maritime Archaic Indians, Groswater Paleoeskimo, Dorset Paleoeskimo, and more recent native groups, Port au Choix offers a rich picture of Pre-Columbian North America. These groups, starting with the Maritime Archaic Indians at 5,500 years before present, lived on the rich shores of Port au Choix while surviving off of the animals that thrived in the area. More surprisingly, much of this habitation occurred in a geographically small area called Phillip’s Garden where for over 1,700 years Groswater and Dorset Paleoeskimo aboriginals lived and is not far from where locals still launch their boats today, a testament to the richness of the area. More recently Basque fishermen plied the waters around Port au Choix and in 1713 the French occupied the area as part of the French Shore, an era that lasted until 1904. Years of archaeological study have revealed a trove of artifacts ranging from everyday items such as spearheads and bone needles to exquisite religious artifacts, many of which are on display at the interpretation centre. In addition to this collection there are many opportunities to explore not only the site where these people lived but also the culture and ways of life that developed here over millenia of habitation. The Heritage Shop provides visitors an opportunity to take home hand-made replicas of the artifacts as well as quality gifts depicting endangered wildflowers from the region. The Port au Choix National Historic Site of Canada is set against the dramatic limestone barrens and bedrock which has preserved fossils for millions of years. It is an ancient place rich in history and its seas continue to sustain settlement and richness of life. Open seasonally, Port au Choix is a must see for any traveller on the Northern Peninsula.

第8天 Saturday, Aug 9

Explor Labrador coast - Red Bay, Battle Harbour, Pinware River Provincial Park
住Pinware River Provincial Park

第9天 Sunday, Aug 10

Driving from Pinware River Provincial Park to Blanc Sablon (50 km, 1 hour).
Taking ferry from Blanc Sablon to St. Barbe (8:00 - 9:45, or 13:00 - 14:45)

Book ferry tickets

住St. Barbe.

第10天 Monday, Aug 11

L'Anse aux Meadows
Driving from St Barbe to L'Anse aux Meadows; 133km 2hrs
Driving from L'Anse aux Meadows to St Barbe; 133km 2hrs

The Sagas written by the Norse in the 13th century tell the tale of Leif Eriksson finding a faraway land with lush fields and wild game inhabited by Skraelings (North American First Nations) around the year 1000 CE. Eriksson and his crew, after exploring this land and gathering a cargo of grapes and lumber, travelled back to Greenland to announce their discoveries and prepare for more expeditions. With promises of prosperity a small band of people led by Thorfinn Karlsefni landed in what is now known as L’Anse aux Meadows, building dwellings, workshops, a forge, and more. Using this outpost as a base, crews explored the surrounding areas and gathered materials for trade. Skraelings, the native inhabitants of the area, quickly became a problem as relations were increasingly hostile. While the Norse attempted to withstand the natives they were outnumbered, making continued settlement a dangerous prospect. After only a few years this outpost in North America failed and the Norse left L’Anse aux Meadows.

第11天 Tuesday, Aug 12

Driving from St. Barbe to Norris Point KOA; 237km; 3hrs
住Norris Point KOA.

第12天 Wednesday, Aug 13

Norris Point KOA to Terra Nova National Park, 456km, 6hrs.
住Terra Nova National Park.

第13天 Thursday, Aug 14

Dildo Run Provincial Park; Long Point Lighthouse; Spillers Cove; Twillingate; Lower Little Harbour Trail
住Terra Nova National Park.

Long Point Lighthouse

Spillers Cove


第14天 Friday, Aug 15

Banavista (Puffin); Skerwink trail; Trinity;
住Terra Nova National Park.

第15天 Saturday, Aug 16

St. John's; Signal Hill; Cape Spear Lighthouse
住St. John's.

第16天 Sunday, Aug 17

Ferryland; East Coast Trail; Tors Cove

第17天 Monday, Aug 18

Cape St. Mary's, Castle Hill National Historic Site;
Ferry from Argentia to North Sydney

第18天 Tuesday, Aug 19

Cape Breton Highlands National Park
住Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

第19天 Wednesday, Aug 20

North Sydney, NS to Fredericton, NB; 650km 8hrs

第20天 Thursday, Aug 21

Fredericton, NB to Quebec, QC; 588km 7hrs

第21天 Friday, Aug 22

Quebec, QC to Ottawa, ON; 441km 6hrs