文章來源: 尼羅河2015-02-05 11:32:58



就在法國巴黎查理周刊恐怖襲擊導致12人死亡事件發生的當天。美國天主教聯盟主席Bill Donohue 發表聲明。標題為“穆斯林應該憤怒”(MUSLIMS ARE RIGHT TO BE ANGRY)全文如下:




查理周刊的發行人Stephane Charbonnier今天也被殺了。很糟糕的是他不理解他在這場屠殺中扮-演的角色。2012年有人問他為何要侮辱穆斯林,他回答說“因為默罕默德對我來說並非神聖。”。如果他沒那麽自戀,他應該還活著。穆罕默德對我來說也不神聖。但是我絕對不會想到要故意去糟蹋穆罕默德來侮辱穆斯林。

法國的反天主教藝術人挑釁天主教也引發了我的多次抗議。我沒有想到要動用暴力。但是這並不能使他們的挑釁化為烏有。美國開國元勳James Medison 說過“濫用自由就是損害自由。濫用權力就是損害權力。”。

Bill Donohue comments on the killing of 12 people at the Paris office of the newspaperCharlie Hebdo:

Killing in response to insult, no matter how gross, must be unequivocally condemned. That is why what happened in Paris cannot be tolerated. But neither should we tolerate the kind of intolerance that provoked this violent reaction.

Those who work at this newspaper have a long and disgusting record of going way beyond the mere lampooning of public figures, and this is especially true of their depictions of religious figures. For example, they have shown nuns masturbating and popes wearing condoms. They have also shown Muhammad in pornographic poses.

While some Muslims today object to any depiction of the Prophet, others do not. Moreover, visual representations of him are not proscribed by the Koran. What unites Muslims in their anger againstCharlie Hebdo is the vulgar manner in which Muhammad has been portrayed. What they object to is being intentionally insulted over the course of many years. On this aspect, I am in total agreement with them.

Stephane Charbonnier, the paper’s publisher, was killed today in the slaughter. It is too bad that he didn’t understand the role he played in his tragic death. In 2012, when asked why he insults Muslims, he said, “Muhammad isn’t sacred to me.” Had he not been so narcissistic, he may still be alive. Muhammad isn’t sacred to me, either, but it would never occur to me to deliberately insult Muslims by trashing him.

Anti-Catholic artists in this country have provoked me to hold many demonstrations, but never have I counseled violence. This, however, does not empty the issue. Madison was right when he said, “Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty as well as the abuses of power.”
