hummingboy:I Love
文章來源: 2006-11-24 06:14:09

I love

I love mountains
They are so tall like a crown
When I climb to the very top
I am afraid of falling down

I love oceans
They are so wide like no bound
When I sail offshore
I am afraid of getting drown

I love plants
They are lovely green and red
When I try to talk to them
They quietly shake they head

I love animals
They are adorably thin or fat
When I try to be nice to them
They ferociously threaten death

I love ladies
They are so tender and pretty
When I try to make friends with them
They reservedly refuse me

I love gentlemen
They are so strong and witty
When I try to approach them
They ruthlessly ignore me

I try to love everything
Nothing responds nicely though
Rack my brains and "Oh I know----"
I love love in a soul

( 今天艾米在跟帖裏提到黃顏說"最愛你的愛",讓我想起以前在英語課上寫的一首舊作。原文已找不到,隻好在殘存的記憶的基礎上按原題目重新胡謅一首。)