文章來源: 2006-03-25 06:16:11

感動 -Jason的小弟弟- (107 bytes) (54 reads) 2006-03-21
珍惜眼前人,老三更會含笑九泉的. 相信老三一直認為你快樂他才會快樂,所以為愛你的人快樂的生活吧。


Thank you JQ JIE -Jennyma- (733 bytes) (110 reads) 2006-03-21
I am so moved by this real story and your answers. I was very sad the day before yesterday after I read the last chapter of the story but now I feel better.

My husband went to
London for a business trip yesterday and it's a long trip. He did not call me until . I was so worried that I imagined he might have an accident and I would lose him (Silly me) . It is lucky that my husband and I still love each other after 16 years we met.


But like all the couples, we quarrel for some trivial things as well that really hurts sometimes. Your experience let me realize that true love is more important than any material things. We should treasure all the love we have.Thank you very much JQ Jie.


All the best.



享受山楂樹情緒!這段時間 -靜觀自得- (383 bytes) (146 reads) 2006-03-21
