我在美國做臥底的日子 - - - 7
文章來源: tipster2014-04-15 20:43:40

* * *  其實大家如果去過dealer買車的話都會有相似的經曆,賣車的sales會在你進入談價錢的階段故意離開你十幾分鍾,尤其如果你顯得很喜歡那車, 開始猶豫要不要多給一點錢的時候,給你一點空間其實很多時候會掉進他們的銷售心理陷阱。不大理智的消費者在這空檔期很容易對價格妥協。* * *


7. “Mr.XXXXX, this is detective Coleman (化名), from Gang Task Force of the Investigations Bureau. i hope you can honestly tell me what happened yesterday. Otherwise, I have to let him take over. And don't expect he is gonna be nice to you like the way I do. understand?"
-- 我內心很迷惘, 很慌,隻能硬著皮頭說, "i don't know anything, what exactly do you want from me?" 

剛說完,Ms. Br---le 和我的counselor Ms. Young (化名) 進來了,Ms.B 用很嚴厲的措辭質問他們,"why did you detain my student here? he's supposed at my classroom now!"

8. "Mam, we believe this gentleman is involved with a gang crime matter, and we are about to arrest him if he refuses to cooperate." detective Coleman終於開腔了。

我的counselor Ms. Young 也按奈不住了,"you can't do this to my student. he is still under 18. we must inform his parents first"!!

"No" 慌亂下我喊了出來,他們頓時被驚呆了,沒想過我反應這麽大。