文章來源: 田園時光美食2016-02-29 04:08:31




土豆700克(Potatoes 700 g)

鮮辣椒 1根(A fresh pepper)

花椒粒1茶匙(1 tsp Chinese prickly ash)

蔥白或京蔥 1根( A White part of scallion)

鹽和黑胡椒粉(Salt and black pepper)

香醋或紅醋1湯匙(1 tbsp balsamic vinegar or red vinegar)

油 1.5湯匙(1.5 tbsp oil)

炒土豆絲在中國是很常見的家常菜,我今天和大家分享如何炒出 口感爽脆 外觀 漂亮 味道鮮美的土豆絲。



2、切好的土豆絲放入 冷水鍋裏,水要沒過土豆絲,再開大火,把水燒熱起來。當鍋裏的水開始冒熱氣但不要完全燒開,土豆絲開始出現透明狀態,就立刻取出用水衝涼,這樣處理之後的土豆絲,每條絲都非常的脆。


3、把1根新鮮辣椒 去籽切絲。再把一根蔥段蔥白部分切成絲。備用。




5、土豆絲出鍋前加 香醋或紅醋1湯匙(1 tbsp balsamic vinegar or red vinegar)炒勻即可。醋既可以增加味道,也可以讓土豆絲更脆。另外,要保持土豆絲顏色更清爽,最好用紅醋。


First prepare 4 large potatos about 700 grams. peel and wash clean then shred into strings or you can cut them with a knife, try to slice them as thin as possible and as evenly as possible


Soak the shredded potatos into a pot of cold water, make sure there is enough water to cover the potato shreds completely. turn the heat on high and let the water heat until you can see steam forming but remove them before the water starts fully boiling. the potato shreds should be translucent. immediately soak the potato shreds in some cold water after removing it from the hot water. this is the trick to getting that crunchy texture

Deseed 1 fresh pepper and slice the white part of 1 scallion and set aside


Heat a pan until it is hot and add in 1.5 tablespoon of oil and add in 1 tsp of chinese prickly ash and stir around on medium heat until it changes color and is fragrant. immediately remove the prickly ash so they don't burn and use the remaining oil and add in the sliced white scallion and the sliced pepper. stir until it turns soft add add in the potato shreds and cook on high heat. season with salt and black pepper and cook until the potato shreds are fully cooked through. 2-3 minutes should be enough, careful not to over cook the potatoes. Because we treated the potatos with the boiling water process, they won't be sticking together and will be nicely separated.  


Before you set the potato shreds onto a plate add in 1tablespoon of basalmic vinegar or red vinegar. the vinegar will add great flavor and make the potatos cruchier