文章來源: 田園時光美食2016-02-04 03:33:00

2016 新春 恭喜發財  萬事如意





牛眼肉(裏脊)300克(Beef tenderloin 300g)
洋蔥丁 1杯(1 cup diced onion)
青燈籠椒丁1杯(1 cup diced bell pepper)
細粉絲 40克(Vermicelli 40g)
蠔油 1湯匙(1 tbsp oyster sauce)
料酒1湯匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)
醬油1湯匙(1 tbsp soy sauce)
鹽1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp salt)
糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)
黑胡椒粉1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp black pepper)
小蘇打粉 1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon baking soda)
生粉1茶匙(1tsp cornstarch)
油1湯匙(1 tbsp oil)
李錦記黑椒醬1.5湯匙(1.5 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Black Pepper Sauce)
1、首先把牛裏脊300克 Beef tenderloin 300g 切成丁(指甲蓋大小)
3、放到碗裏屏幕顯示的調味料放入,用手抓勻,讓牛肉粒充分吸收調味料之後,再放入 1湯匙生粉抓勻,最後在倒入1湯匙油拌勻。醃製20分鍾。這個過程會讓牛肉粒入味且保持嫩滑的口感。
4、準備切丁的洋蔥和切丁的燈籠椒各一杯 。
另外,把 細粉絲 40克(Vermicelli 40g) 剪成碎短條(像視頻顯示的) 可以把粉絲放到一個朔料袋子裏來剪,以免四處飛濺。
5、炸粉絲,鍋裏放1/2杯或更多的油,用大火把油熱  至看不見鍋裏的油流動,油一定要燒熱,否則粉絲炸不鬆。可以先放幾根粉絲下去試一試,如果看到迅速膨脹起來,說明油溫夠了。把粉絲分幾次放入油鍋裏炸,炸至蓬鬆發白,即可撈出,用廚房紙吸去油份。鋪在盤子上備用。
6、用大火把炒鍋燒熱,放入2湯匙油 趁油溫還沒熱 立即放入醃好的牛肉粒,大火翻炒至看不見紅色,取出一旁備用。
7、炒牛肉的鍋裏留一點油,把洋蔥丁放入炒至透明,再放入燈籠椒丁和1/4茶匙鹽 稍微翻炒一下,保持它的翠綠。再加入李錦記黑椒醬1.5湯匙,炒勻後把牛肉粒放入一起翻炒至入味。出鍋前撒一些黑胡椒粉。



Today I will share with you guys a healthy and delicious pairing of tender stir fried beef and some refreshing lettuce. 
First cut up 300grams of beef tenderloin into thumbnail sizes
Soak it in clear water for 30 minutes, wash clean and drain
add the ingredients listed on a screen into the bowl and mix together with the meat, after the meat has fully soaked in the flavour add in 1 tablespoon of corn starch, mix well again then add in1 tablespoon of oil, mix once again and let it marinate for 20 minutes, this process will allow the beef to be tender and moist
Prepare the vegetables. dice 1 cup of onions and 1 cup of bell pepper
the prepare about 40grams of vermicelli by cutting them up into sections as shown, you can do this process inside a bag to prevent making a mess
Fry the vermicelli, prepare 1/2 cup or more oil and heat on high heat. when you can no longer see the oil moving it is hot enough to use, this is crucial or else the vermicelli will not fry thoroughly. you can test with a single strand of vermicelli, if they immediately puff up then the oil temperature is ready. fry the vermicelli's in batches until they are all puffed up and white in colour, strain them out and soak up any excess oil with some kitchen towel and set aside 
Heat a stir fry pan on high and add in 2tablespoon of oil, while the oil is cold add in  the marinated meat chunks and stir fry on high until it's no longer white and set aside
Use the remaining oil and stir fry the onions and then the bell peppers, season with 1/4 teaspoon of salt and add in 1.5 tablespoon of lee kum kee black pepper sauce, after the sauce is fully incorporated, sprinkle on some black pepper and set onto a plate. place the meat on the fried vermicelli and wrap with the lettuce when you are ready to eat!