文章來源: 田園時光美食2016-01-25 05:04:01







豬肉糜 150克(150 g minced pork)

荸薺碎 1/4杯(1/4 cup chopped water chestnuts)

香蔥碎1湯匙(1 tbsp chopped chives)

鹽 1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)

糖1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp sugar)

麻油1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp sesame oil)

白胡椒粉1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp white pepper powder)

醬油1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp soy sauce)

雞蛋3個(3 eggs)

1、首先我們要做餃子的餡料,把屏幕顯示的所有材料---豬肉糜 150克(150 g minced pork)荸薺碎 1/4杯(1/4 cup chopped water chestnuts)香蔥碎1湯匙(1 tbsp chopped chives)鹽 1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)糖1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp sugar)麻油1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp sesame oil)白胡椒粉1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp white pepper powder)醬油1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp soy sauce)放到一個碗裏,朝一個方向攪動直到起粘性。

2、然後 分成若幹份橄欖形狀的小肉丸,稍微壓扁一點,這樣容易將它包入蛋皮裏。放一邊備用。

3、把三個雞蛋打散 打到看不見蛋白。


取一把勺子(如視頻顯示),打開煤氣爐子,先把勺子燒熱,在裏麵刷一層油,然後把大約1湯匙的蛋液倒入勺子內,晃動勺子 蛋液就變成蛋皮,留一點點的蛋液在中間,放入準備好的餡料,這時記得要轉小火甚至關火,再把蛋皮合上 利用勺子的餘熱蛋液就凝固, 餃子的樣子就出來了。


不粘鍋刷油,注意隻能開小火,放入一個大號餅幹圈(  round cookie cutter ) ,往圈內倒入約1湯匙的蛋液,晃動不粘鍋讓蛋液均勻分布在圈內。當蛋液不會流動時,馬上把圈子取出,如果蛋液凝固黏在圈子邊上 可以用湯勺推一下,幫助圈子取出。一個圓形的蛋皮就形成了,趁著蛋皮還沒有完全凝固,把餡料放入 合上蛋皮成餃子狀,把接口壓實封好 利用鍋裏的熱量讓餃子形狀固定。。    

6、做好的蛋餃 ,如果你希望它外形整齊好看,可以用帶花邊的餅幹圈 cookie cutter修一下邊。





Egg dumplings is yet another traditional Chinese dish, and I will show you guys a simple recipe for these delicious and intricate treats. 

First we will prepare the fillings, mix all the ingredients shown on the screen--豬肉糜 150克(150 g minced pork)荸薺碎 1/4杯(1/4 cup chopped water chestnuts)香蔥碎1湯匙(1 tbsp chopped chives)鹽 1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)糖1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp sugar)麻油1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp sesame oil)白胡椒粉1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp white pepper powder)醬油1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp soy sauce) in a bowl, Stir in one direction until the content starts to gain stickiness

Then we will divide them into olive shaped meat ball, compress them slightly so they can be easily wrapped later, set them aside

Beat 3 eggs until the egg whites and yolks are fully incorporated

I'm demonstrating here is the traditional Chinese way of beating eggs

Take out a ladle as shown and turn on a gas stove, heat the ladle until hot and brush on a layer of oil then pour in about 1 tablespoon of the egg mixture inside and swirl, a thin sheet of egg will form, leave the little bit of extra beaten egg in the centre of the ladle and add in the filling. turn the heat to low or you can even turn it off. close the egg wrap gently, the remaining liquified egg should help seal the content. 

Now I will show you guys a simpler method that I invented

Brush on a layer of oil in a non stick pan and heat on low heat, place a large round cookie cutter in and pour in 1 tablespoon of beaten egg, gently swirl the pan to evenly spread out mixture. when it is no longer runny, remove the cookie cutter and a round wrapper will be formed, if it's sticking to the side of the cookie cutter, just gently push it out with a spoon. while the wrapper is still slightly liquify add in the filling and enclose tightly, using the remaining heat in the pan to seal. 

If you want your completed egg dumplings to look even fancier, you can trim the edges with a cookie cutter

When you are ready to eat them, steam them in a boiling pot for 8 minutes and enjoy with sauce, or feel free to add them to your soup or hotpot 

