Thoughts On Anger
文章來源: edrifter2008-06-26 17:21:54

The following passages are found from June's Forbes. They are pretty good reflections, from different perspectives, on anger, a social phenomenon that people often witness, or experience, either on individual or collective level. To make it worth of savoring are the ways how the issue is being addressed by people of different backgrounds, characters and personalities, yet they're all witty, illuminating, humorous and even funny, some of them if not all.

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A reservoir of rage exists in each person, waiting to burst out. We fantasize about killing or humiliating our boss or the guy who took our parking space. It is only by growing up in a civilized society of law that we learn the idea of proportionate response.

Rex Julian Beaver 

Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.

Albert Einstein

Beware of the fury of a patient man.

John Dryden

Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to.

Harriet Lerner

At this present moment, I have a strong urge to go over there, wrap both his legs round his neck and stick his suede shoes in his mouth. But I suppose that would only be termed a temporary solution.

Alan Ayckbourn

It’s my rule never to lose me temper till it would be detrimental to keep it.

Sean O’Casey

He ever let the sun go down on his wrath, though there were some colorful sunsets while it lasted.

A. A Thomson

One of my problems is that I internalize everything. I can't express anger; I grow a tumor instead.

Woody Allen

I expect to pass through this world but once, and therefore if there is anybody that I want to kick in the crutch I had better kick them in the crutch now, for I do not expect to pass this way again.

Maurice Bowra

Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.

Phyllis Diller

Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about change.

Malcolm X