Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?不使用農藥和化肥,我們能產生足夠糧食嗎(二)
文章來源: pamperedpaws2016-03-12 13:28:19

High-Tech, Low-Impact

There are actually myriad studies from around the world showing that organic farms can produce about as much, and in some settings much more, than conventional farms. Where there is a yield gap, it tends to be widest in wealthy nations, where farmers use copious amounts of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in a perennial attempt to maximize yields. It is true that farmers converting to organic production often encounter lower yields in the first few years, as the soil and surrounding biodiversity recover from years of assault with chemicals. And it may take several seasons for farmers to refine the new approach.


即使是這樣,那種說有機種植的產量隻有非有機的二分之一甚至三分之一的說法也是站不住腳的,甚至就是胡說八道。持這種意見的人經常 引用的美國農業部的研究說美國如果全麵有機化糧食產量會降低到四分之一,這個結論如何得出呢?原來是原來農業部有一個研究,說是全國可用做肥料的動物糞便的含氮量,隻有作物的氮的總需要量的四分之一,多可笑。動物糞便隻是增加土壤含氮量的其中一個手段,還可以植物堆肥,種植固氮植物等等。

