來自Kenya 的信息------Dr, Ryan Snider 發自內羅畢:
文章來源: 傑夫662013-11-30 17:19:29


首先,後院計劃2014繼續進行。如果有團員因為工作安排不下,家庭有小孩老人走不開,或對局勢的擔心而改變主意的話,我絕對能夠理解,但是請你們盡快通知我,因為我有一個WAITING LIST ,所以你越早告訴我,其他攝友越早可以加入盡早安排訂票。

第二,已經加入的團員,當你收到Northstar Travel的定航班郵件,請盡快回複
Sharyn 告訴我,當她找到一個銜接航班時她給你們留位時間隻有24小時.如果你想自己定航班,沒問題,但是小心這裏有幾個問題:有的航班便宜但是你要多轉一次飛機,或要在某個城市過夜,從北美去KENYA的航班都是要在阿姆斯特丹轉機的,航班的銜接很重要,從國際到達走到國際出發去非洲要走大約20分鍾。所以一定要小心。如果你自己訂票也請告訴Sharyn.

Ryan上星期六,肯尼亞人質危機開始那天飛去內羅畢參加2013國際生態旅遊會議(International Ecotourism Conference ) ,他是會議發言人之一。今天早

上在facebook上他從內羅畢發出這個信息(www.facebook.com/ryan.snider.31/posts/10151868973172356 )---"...盡管過去的周末恐怖分子懦弱的行為發生在內羅

畢,國際生態旅遊會議還是如期召開,明天早上我會在會議發言介紹我的研究成果,對我來說是一個巨大的榮譽,就像會議主題發言人今天說的:“ 我們決不能讓恐


這裏是會議的鏈接和發言人介紹(www.ecotourismconference.org/session-presenters#RSnider )

這裏是會議對Ryan 的介紹資料

Dr. Ryan Snider


Dr. Ryan Snider, Professor, Humber College

Ryan was raised in Nairobi, Kenya where his parents were teachers at an International School. After returning to Canada for high school, Ryan earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography and his Master of Arts degree in International Development. After graduation, Ryan worked in various relief and development projects throughout Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Mozambique. After completing his Doctor of Philosphy degree in Geography and Environmental Management, Ryan joined Humber College as a full time Professor. His current research interests include participatory research amongst the indigenous Maasai communities of Kenya, with a specific focus on the role of ecotourism as a tool for development.

