Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂輕鬆搞定升學考試係列 1
文章來源: mimangzhong2016-04-17 09:09:50

Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂輕鬆搞定升學考試係列 1





Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂輕鬆搞定升學考試係列 1


提前三年以上計劃,並從日常學習和寫作中積累有關知識、技巧、能力是準備SAT, ACT, AP等考試並過關斬將、取得高分的不二法門,考試培訓班和衝刺班無非是凝縮了這些積累的過程而已。但是由於美國的好大學尤其是名校越來越重視考察學生素質和能力的長期積累記錄,從小學開始長遠規劃,點點滴滴,紮實培養將不僅是行之有效的做法,更是無法繞開的選擇。Dr. Joe和團隊通過精心篩選,將為學生和家長朋友們不斷推薦重要的知識、技能和要領等信息,使得大家考試提分和能力提高雙豐收。今天分享的是Dr. Joe輕鬆搞定新SAT短文寫作之一。 


Dr.Joe International Education No-Sweat Test Series 1

Dr.Joe No-Sweat New SAT Essay Part 1


SAT Essay

The redesigned SATEssay asks you to use your reading, analysis, and writing skills.

It’s About the Real World

The SAT Essay is a lot like a typical college writing assignment in which you’re asked to analyze atext. Take the SAT with Essay and show colleges that you’re ready to come to campus and write.

What You’ll Do

  • Read a passage.

  • Explain how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience.

  • Support your explanation with evidence from the passage.

What’s New

The SAT’s essay component has had a total makeover:

  • It’s optional — but some schools will require it. 

  • You have 50 minutes to complete your essay, 25 minutes more than the required essay that was part of the SAT students took before March 2016.

  • You won’t be asked to agree or disagree with a position on a topic or to write about your personal experience.

The Essay Prompt

The prompt (question) shown below, or a nearly identical one, is used every time the new SAT is given.

As you read the passage below, consider how [the author] uses evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.

  • evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.

  • reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.

  • stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.


Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience that [author’s claim]. In your essay, analyze how [the author] uses one or more of the features listed above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of [his/her] argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with [the author’s] claims, but rather explain how the author builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience.

The Topic

You can count on seeing the same prompt no matter when you take the new SAT with Essay, but thepassage will be different every time.

All passages have these things in common:

  • Written for a broad audience

  • Argue a point

  • Express subtle views on complex subjects

  • Use logical reasoning and evidence to support claims

  • Examine ideas, debates, or trends in the arts and sciences, or civic, cultural, or political life

  • Always taken from published works

All the information you need to write your essay will be included in the passage or in notes about it.

[to be continued]



Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂


我們的主講老師Dr. Joe是美國Speech and Mass Communication博士, 多年教授美國大學生英語寫作和講演課,並長期培訓美國高中生英語寫作、閱讀和講演,專業設計和輔導高中升大學戰略戰術和文書寫作,是經驗豐富理論深厚的名師。


我們的英語寫作課是以英語寫作、閱讀、講演為核心,帶動學生的英語學習、使用、考試(SAT, ACT, AP, SSAT)和社交能力全麵開花的真正精品。學生跟班學習,優秀的更優秀,不夠優秀的變優秀。家長和學生們紛紛稱讚我們的英語寫作課是世界級的優質課程。



. 小學1年級到高中的英語寫作課:學生絕大多數是美國出生長大的孩子。

. 升學與考試輔導 VIP課程:針對學生的個性化需求,全程輔導美國大學和私高申請,SAT,ACT, SSAT, AP, TOEFL, IELTS等考試準備,小班授課(或一對一)學習,即可短期衝刺,也可長期跟蹤式定製學習。




家裏有孩子想試聽課的請聯係 Susan:            

微信號  DrJoeWriting            


注:我們發布的知識、要領、技能等信息的來源包括自主研發、官方渠道和其他可靠渠道,相應知識產權分屬各產權所有者。今日(Apr. 16,2016)發布的信息來源是Dr. JoeInternational EducationCollege Board.