Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂美國雜誌推薦係列 4
文章來源: mimangzhong2016-04-03 20:47:36

Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂美國雜誌推薦係列 4




Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂美國雜誌推薦係列 4


廣泛地閱讀主流雜誌對於提高同學們的閱讀、寫作、講演、社交以及SAT/ACT等考試的能力來說都具有重要的意義。Dr. Joe和團隊通過精心篩選,為學生和家長推薦了一批美國雜誌,供大家參考閱讀。這個係列將分為High School Series, Middle School Series 以及Elementary School Series。今天推出的是Elementary School Series。  



Dr.Joe American Magazines for Students Series 4

Elementary School Series



2. Spider  Magazine


Spider is an illustrated literary magazine designed for children from 6 to 9 years old. Started in January 1994, the magazine is published in the United States. The headquarters of the magazine is in Chicago, Illinois.The magazine includes original short stories, poems, nonfiction articles,activities, games and illustrations from world famous authors. It also has art and writing contests in each issue and publishes work created by its readers.


The magazine is published every month,except for combined May–June, July–August, and November–December issues.



Dr. Joe中小學英語寫作課堂


我們的主講老師Dr. Joe是美國Speech and Mass Communication博士, 多年教授美國大學生英語寫作和講演課,是經驗豐富理論深厚的名師。我們的英語寫作課是以英語寫作、閱讀、講演為核心,帶動學生的英語學習、使用、考試(SAT,ACT, AP, SSAT)和社交能力全麵開花的真正精品。學生跟班學習,優秀的更優秀,不夠優秀的變優秀。家長和學生們紛紛稱讚我們的英語寫作課是世界級的優質課程。





家裏有孩子想試聽課的請聯係 Susan


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