How to Strengthen the Heart, to Have Good Circulation(2-1)
文章來源: Juzizhoutou2015-03-12 12:23:33

We have talked about the diet, the topic is now about exercise.

The best and easiest exercise is take walk.

Why? Because the heart likes that. When you walk, the heart  muscle could be strengthened.  It would pumping stronger, to have the vein to be returned, so the toxin could be removed. Especially if you can walk faster or even run, or you can do half and half,  your heart  muscle could be more strengthened, your vein could be more returned. When your vein be more returned, your lungs could be worked stronger, to get more air, to supply more oxygen to your heart.  Then your heart could supply oxygen sufficient  blood to the body, that your body temperature could be increased, you could sweat, to be more detoxified. The increased body temperature can kill germs, virus, bacterial, even cancer cells. You won 't get sick and you could be cancer free. I have observed all the cancerous clients and acquaintances, they are all have heart/circulation problems that they are cold. And most of them are women. Why? because women 's circulations are more poor. Why? By the nature, women are belong to Yin, like the moon, of course are negative and old. Men are belong to Yang, like the sun, of course  are positive and hot. Usually if the men do not smoke, drink, do not have the big tummies, they won 't get cancer. If they get cancer, they must have heart/circulation problems, so they are negative, cold like women. One white guy who got skin cancer. He was very cold and his heart rates were very high.

When you walk, your heart could pumping stronger, the water could be pumped out from your heart, that your blood pressure could be decreased.  When your heart pumping stronger, your body could be warm up and your vessels could be warm up, becoming soft and dilated, your blood pressure could be decreased. When you walk,  that 12 pairs and 2 single meridians could be opened up; and your feet could be strongly stimulated. So your all the organs could be strengthened, especially your kidneys could be stronger, less water retention, that your blood pressure could be decreased.

When you walk, you could sweat, could burn the calories,  your metabolism could be enhanced, you could lose weight. Therefore your tummy will be smaller. As your fat  be burned that your pancreas could be happy and less swelling. It could secrete  more insulin. That way your body can absorb the sugar to get the nutrition that your glucose level in your blood and urine could be decreased. So you are no longer a diabetic! My neighbor and client Tom, 59, was a diabetic, weighted 280 LBS, with uncontrolled heart/blood pressure problems, though with lots of medications. I told him to change his diet, and take walk. He did. He watches his calories. He eats 5 times a day with small portions. And he drinks a lot fluid. He walks every day, 1 HR each time. He is now medications free, and lost 100 LBS!  

So the walk is simple but is really beneficial!

Well, when should be walked? Any time.  How long should be walked? You may started with 30 minutes, then be gradually increased to 1 HR. Or run for 30 minutes; walk for 60 minutes; or walk and run half and half  for 45 minutes to 60 minutes. To prevent the Osteoporosis, you may walk with the weight. What about  the pace of walk:? From the regular to brisk.  How often? Once a day is the best. If you are retired, twice a day would be better!  Where should be walked? The GM? With the treadmill at home? The out door is better that you can get fresh air and plenty of sun, unless there is a weather issue. The sunlight that reflexed on your skin, can produce Vitamin D. The V.D. can help the calcium to be absorbed.  This is crucial for the old women. Since after the menopausal, the calcium level could getting more lower, the density of the bone could be more thin, which could lead to Osteoporosis. When some one who got the 4-0s, the fracture could be lingered beside her. If she falls, her hip joints could be fractured. Then her heart will be sad, its muscle would be weaker, the pumping would be powerless that her vein can not be returned, she could becoming cold and all the toxin could not be removed, so she would get sick, even cancer. Meanwhile, her blood pressure will go up, then the heart failure, heart attack, stroke, hemorrhage could be excited lineup trying to seize her.  She could only live one or two years longer. My mom was a mirror. She never been exercised and of course never intentionally get sunlight, and never taken any calcium and V.D. supplements as well. Of course she had Osteoporosis. One day she walked (with out a cane. She never used it) from the house and stumped, fell to the ground. Her hip joint had fractured and her femur got stuck out from the thigh! Drs. did not help much. She could not walk. She passed away 1 year later of stroke or hemorrhage, aged only 87. If she did not fall, if she did not brake her hip joint, she could live much longer.   So we should go out and to be walked, to have our hearts to be strengthened, to have our skins to be tanned( just forget the idiom of "one white could cover 100 ugliness" ! Think about the white people, even take the risk of the skin cancer to go to the Tanning Salon to have their skins to be tanned), to prevent the osteoporosis, to be healthier and to be lived for long time! 

Thank you for reading!  

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