文章來源: 周zone2014-01-08 18:42:29

21+ acres of flat land with breathtaking ocean coast beach park frontage. Property extends from Highway 1 to the beach park with views of the Pacific Ocean; located 15 minutes from the Peninsula and a short walk to the Historic Town of Half Moon Bay, shopping mall, state beach camping park, horse back riding, sea food market, fishing boat , golf park, only about 30minutes driving from San Francisco . It is good for people who love enjoying the quality life by the beach. The farmer John's pumpkins is leasing the land for their own farm business. Per Half Moon Bay city planning Dept. one house can be built on this lot . Asking price is $1,999,000.00
Contact John Zhou for more information.
See the map and video, please go to the link below:
北 加州農場主樂園,你想擁有一個你自己的農莊嗎?你想真正成為一個美國的地主嗎?你的夢想就要實現啦。北加州著名曆史小名城半月灣市( HALF MOON BAY),超過21畝平坦農地,從1號公路延伸至美麗的太平洋海岸公園,可種植各樣新鮮蔬菜,穀物,可以用來做農莊娛樂,其周圍有個樣私家別墅住宅,購物 商業中心,海灘露營公園,騎馬遊艇,海鮮市場。目前農場主正利用它來做南瓜牧場及菜園,來娛樂北加州的學生,家庭 及公司員工的外出活動,在半月灣及舊金山北加州頗有名氣。此農莊離舊金山30多分鍾車程,10分鍾到半月灣市中心, 交通及便, 適合農場莊主及所有會享受品味生活傑出人士的所有訴求, 如中國有此願望朋友,考慮投資移民的,請和我的律師聯係。叫價1.999百萬美元, 但可和周先生斟酌。手機0014153507223電郵johnzhousf@yahoo.com看錄像和地圖請到網絡鏈接。