大學錄取 其實就是相親,和AO相親,她先相你,你再相她。成敗在於對上眼 不?
文章來源: 兄貴2023-04-28 17:40:56


我當年被一家金融機構麵試,其中一個會計麵試官問我:do you know Excel 嗎?

我笑笑,說,我 don't know I know Excel or not. However I happen to know VBA automation and DotNet automation,  I can wirte add-ins to customize Excel, extending the functionality of Excel beyong its built-in features. I am capable of creating my own complex Excel formulas and functions that can manipulate and analyze large datasets with ease. Additionally, I'm highly proficient in Excel data modeling and financial modeling, as well as creating custom dashboards to identify patterns and trends that might be hidden in large datasets. I have experience using solver or my own add-ins to manipulate matrices, optimize problems, and even solve differential equations.  My strongest skill might be connecting to SQL、 OLAP cubes and web servers, and converting cubes into pivot table reports and pivot charts......

一直講到 麵試官製止了我的滔滔不絕。

入職後,我被安排接受 Excel 培訓,學習如何 用 sum把一行數字加起來,我問為什麽? 告之因為我的麵試結果裏關於 Excel的得分是 0

