文章來源: 小矮人COCO2020-07-24 09:56:24

1.鬥毆現場!兩隻阿拉斯加一言不合就幹仗! Fighting,Two puppies alaskan malamute fight.How do you think?Cute or Terrible?
2.一黑一白兩隻猛犬相遇,一塊肉就可以分出誰是老大!When two fierce dogs met, who will be the strong one
3.又有網友買到病狗!注意幾個細節幫你識破騙子的招數!Tips to avoid getting cheated when adopting dogs
4.太恐怖,如果這種惡犬護食,後果將不堪設想!Too scary, if this kind of evil dog cares for food, will be unimaginable!
5.鬥毆現場!兩隻阿拉斯加一言不合就幹仗! Fighting,Two puppies alaskan malamute fight.How do you think?Cute or Terrible?
6.小巴哥搶奶記!為了吃口奶,也是拚了!The cutest Pug puppies fight for the milk