婚禮後的私奔 (三)
文章來源: 林中散步2014-04-09 13:46:03

Kimberly還沒回來,Wolf的家裏又多了一個女人----他與那個小個女人生的Lucy。Lucy也患了癌症, 她的媽媽厭煩了醫院,化療,吃藥,哭鬧,把她趕出了門,讓Lucy找她的爸爸去。

“I’m sick of this, so sick of it! Why don’t you go to that heartless dwarf (矬子)? It’s about time he has a piece of your shit.”

Lucy和Niomi很合得來,兩人一起進進出出,有說有笑,很像是一對好姐妹, 雖然她們的外貌一點兒也看不出有血緣關係。 Niomi又高又大,粗聲大氣;Lucy小巧玲瓏,安靜舒緩,化療後,掉光了頭發,小腦袋光光的,圓圓的。 她的臉上身上有很多疙瘩,又大又紅,據小鎮人講,隻有吸毒的人才會長那樣的疙瘩。



”How are you?” 我跟他打招呼。

“Good, well, actually not good.” 他不動聲色地答道。

我揚起眉梢,等候他對not good的解釋,我真的很感性趣。

“The cops took me to the station. I just came back..” 他答道。


“Niomi called 911, told them I molested her.”

“Oh!” 我不知道說什麽好。

”I was lucky. The cops only talked to me about 5 hours, asked a lot of questions, and let me go. They could charge me, you know, for that kind of stuff.” Wolf搖著頭說,一副僥幸的樣子。

“But you didn’t do it.” 我不相信他會幹出那種事,他還不至於那樣下作。

“Oh,hell,I didn’t do it. But how can I prove it, just word against word? If they want to charge me, they could.” Wolf對自己的分析很得意。

麵對這樣的ordeal, 他還覺得lucky, 我無言以對。

“Niome still lives with you?” 過了一會兒,我問。

”Yes, she came back, in cop’s cruiser. She was pretty happy about that.”

“Poor girl! What are you going to do with her?” 我很為他擔心。

“What else can I do? She is my daughter though I’m trapped as trap can do.” 他笑了起來。



“Can you cut that out?” Lucy輕聲對Niomi說。

“I don’t know.” Niomi 拉長聲音說。“He is my dad. My dad.” 她突然轉過身,“Where is my cereal, Lucky Charm?Did you eat it?”

Lucy拉了一下Niomi,“You might put dad in prison. Do you know that? Do you want that?”

Niomi沒理Lucy。“My Lucky Charm, my cereal, even cats know that.” 她抱起一隻小花貓,模仿貓的叫聲,用貓的身體一下一下地撞擊Lucy的臉。“Where is my Lucky Charm? I’d like to know at this moment, now!”

Lucy倒退著,向後躲閃。Niomi一步一步把Lucy逼到牆角,繼續用貓擊打Lucy的臉,小貓扭動著身子,想掙脫出來,尖聲地叫著。“Where is my Lucky Charm? I am asking you, bitch, where is my Lucky Charm?”

Wolf聽到外麵的吵鬧聲,從臥室裏走出來,一臉的疲倦。他看見大個子Niomi有條不紊地用貓擊打Lucy的頭和臉,小個子Lucy,兩條胳膊,一會兒伸出來胡亂拍打,一會兒抱頭躲閃。“What’s going on? Cut it out, Niomi!” 他上前去拉Niomi。Niomi轉過身來。“Don’t touch me! Geez, don’t fucking touch me!” 她走到電話機旁,撥了911。

“My dad touched me, and that bitch too.” Niomi對著話筒說。聽了一會兒,她接著說,“She has cancer. Dad asked me to take care of her. She looks funny,  you know, no hair.” 她像說悄悄話一樣貼近話筒,“she is going to die.” 然後又直起身子,“ I take care of her alright, but she ate all my Lucky Charm.  Let the bitch die, like I care.” 她轉身望著Lucy,“I want you to take her away, and also my dad.” 她突然像想起了什麽,“Oh, oh, make sure you send that Mark here, he is a looker, cop Mark, last time I came home in his car.”

