文章來源: amanda20032020-04-03 22:02:32















"As the physician to the President and White House Operations continue to protect the health and safety of the President and vice president, starting today anyone who is expected to be in close proximity to either of them will be administered a Covid-19 test to evaluate for pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic carriers status to limit inadvertent transmission," said deputy White House press secretary Judd Deere in a statement.    





Gilead declined to comment on Goldsmith's situation when contacted by Fox News. "We cannot comment on individual patient cases; however, our thoughts are with all patients who are fighting COVID-19, as well as their families and loved ones," a Gilead spokeswoman told Fox News, via email.  "Remdesivir is an investigational antiviral with limited data at this time – it has not been demonstrated to be safe or effective for any use. Clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy remain the primary way for patients with COVID-19 to access remdesivir, to generate critical data that inform the appropriate use of this investigational medicine."

新聞是關於瑞德西韋藥的,有位34歲, 有兩個孩子的父親,名叫Michael Goldsmith,花了近三個星期,呼求Gilead公司從人道主義的角度給他試用Remdesivir神藥,但公司發言人近日回答說,因為此藥尚未確定有效或安全使用,因此拒絕了他的請求。Remdesivir是一種研究性抗病毒藥物,目前數據有限,還沒有被證明對任何用途都是安全有效的。


The US has stopped issuing new passports, unless in a "life-or-death emergency,'' in an effort to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

In a statement on its website, the State Department asked Americans to avoid international travel at this time due to the impact of coronavirus. In line with that, it said, it will only offer passports to customers with a qualified emergency.




Before the coronavirus had reached the US, Betania Shephard would clean about six to eight apartments and homes in a normal week. These days, nearly all of her clients have canceled. Some weeks, she hasn't been able to find work at all. 

As people limit contact with others and stay home as much as possible in the face of the coronavirus, domestic workers like Shephard -- whose livelihoods depend on being in the homes of others or caring for their loved ones -- are being hit particularly hard.


在冠狀病毒到達美國之前,Betania Shephard會在正常的一周內打掃六到八間公寓和住宅。這些天,她的客戶幾乎都取消了。有幾個星期,她根本找不到工作。

由於人們在麵對冠狀病毒時限製與他人的接觸,盡可能呆在家裏,像Betania Shephard這樣的家政工人正受到特別嚴重的打擊。她的生計依賴於住在別人家裏或照顧他人。




In Lodi, Calif., a man wearing a “tactical-type vest” stopped a man in a park and told him he was violating curfew and needed to hand over $1,000 or go to jail.

In Erie, Colo., a man with flashing lights in his car pulled over a woman driving to work and told her she was violating a stay-at-home order. He followed her back to her house and then drove off.

In many cases, the perpetrators are preying on the vulnerability and the fear people feel as the virus continues to spread rapidly, said Marcus Felson, a professor of criminal justice at Texas State University.






“Lawsuits Swell as Owners, From Gun Shops to Golf Courses, Demand to Open,Orders to stay home and to shutter businesses because of the coronavirus are being challenged nationwide on the grounds they deny Americans their constitutional rights.

“I thought I had a little bright light starting to shine, then somebody turned the light bulb off,” said Jim Roth, the general manager of Blueberry Hill Public Golf Course & Lounge in Russell, Penn.

What you will see are massive increases in the number of people who have problems that could benefit from some kind of legal assistance,” said Rebecca Sandefur, a sociologist at the American Bar Foundation.




A restaurant once dubbed the world's best reopens to feed first responders

The pandemic's stronghold has all but made it impossible for luxury restaurants to keep doing what they were doing prior to the shutdown.

On Wednesday night, however, one of the world's best restaurants, which (temporarily) closed its doors when New York City pressed pause.

Less than 24 hours after making the announcement, Humm's post had received over 21,000 likes and over 1,000 supportive, praising comments.






Bill Withers, the singer-songwriter whose soulful hits "Lean On Me," Ain't No Sunshine" and "Lovely Day" became part of the soundtrack for a generation, has died. Withers died Monday in Los Angeles of heart complications, according to his family.

歌手兼詞曲作者Bill Withers,星期一在洛杉磯死於心髒並發症。他深情的愛曲"Lean On Me," Ain't No Sunshine" and "Lovely Day"也就絕唱了。

When I wake up in the morning, love

And the sunlight hurts my eyes

And something without warning, love

Bears heavy on my mind

Then I look at you

And the world's alright with me

Just one look at you

And I know it's gonna be

A lovely day













為什麽要去附和那些反華排華大合唱?為什麽要去參與對一些陷入醜聞的華人同胞的圍毆?為什麽不多多宣傳華人對社區的貢獻和美德?有哪個主流報道過CDC foundation的近一半捐款者是華人嗎,外族人不去宣傳,我們華人為什麽不多多宣傳?”


