文章來源: 雁南飛092013-04-20 15:19:43



  來美國讀書一直是她的夢想。她來到這裏,喜歡上了波士頓和波士頓人。對新朋友和波士頓大學(Boston University)的教授,她也滿心熱愛。她憧憬將來在國際商務領域發揮作用,專門從事應用數學方麵的工作。為了這個目標,她一直非常努力地學習。可惜,她不能如願了。







Letter from the Family of LU Lingzi
originally posted on Boston University website 4/17/2013

We are grieving and at a loss for words to describe the pain and sadness we are experiencing following the sudden passing of our dear daughter, Lingzi. She was the joy of our lives. She was a bright and wonderful child. We were thrilled to watch her grow into an intelligent and beautiful young woman. She was a positive role model for many others.

It has always been her dream to come to America to study. While she was here, she fell in love with Boston and its people. She loved her new friends and her professors at Boston University. She wanted to play a role in international business, specializing in applied mathematics. She has been studying very hard toward her goal. Sadly, it was not to be.

While her dream has not been realized, we want to encourage others who have Lingzi’s ambition and dreams, and want to make the world a better place, to continue moving forward.

We are grateful and thankful for the assistance we have received from the Chinese government, the U.S. State Department, Boston Police Department, Boston University, and so many others. Your kindness will always be in our thoughts and memories of how you reached out selflessly to us during the darkest hour of our lives. We understand the work of the media, too, and ask them to please respect our wish for privacy at this difficult time.

We are also humbled by the compassion, caring and love we have received from people all over the world. We wish to thank each of you for your prayers and for thinking of our daughter. Thank you for sharing your memories of her, your love for her, and your good wishes to our family.

Also, we wish to extend our thoughts, prayers and sympathy to the other victims of this tragedy and to their families.

We hope that everyone who knew Lingzi, and experienced the positive spirit and joy she had, will help carry on her spirit. We hope that everyone who has now heard about Lingzi will keep a memory of her in their hearts.