文章來源: 回家路2017-06-25 14:01:30

chronic systemic illness

spirochete treponema pallidum

great masquerader

incubation of 21 days from exposure, the primary leasion appears, at the site of inuculation. it begins as a small painless papule thta ulcerates into a chancre with firm indurate borders. lasts 2 to 6 weeks and then spontaneously resolves.

the sencond stage, fever, malaise, headach, lymphadenopathy, and mucocutaneous rash. includes palms and soles, yet spare the face, with the exception of the perioral area. in worm moist areas papules coalesce to form condyloma lata.

the third stage neurologic and cardiac manisfestation

Tx; PCN, Doxy if allergic to PCN