文章來源: 阿留2017-08-28 07:44:32

今天早上,CNN報道 中印 達成了迅速解除邊境衝突的協議,以便9月初的金磚峰會順利舉行。細讀發現居然誠如偶黨教導,兩國相似之處真的遠遠多於矛盾哪!嘻嘻


India and China have agreed to deescalate a months-long territorial standoff in the Himalayas, ahead of a major economic summit involving both countries.


China's official Xinhua news agency said India had withdrawn its personnel and equipment "that had crossed the border back to the Indian side."
"Chinese personnel verified this at the scene," Xinhua reported. "China will continue to exercise its sovereign rights and preserve its territorial sovereignty in accordance with historical border agreements."”
In a statement Monday, India's Ministry of External Affairs said the "expeditious disengagement of border personnel at the face-off site at Doklam has been agreed to and is ongoing."
But the quick deescalation of the situation ahead of the summit shows that Modi has withstood Chinese pressure and forced Beijing to back down, said Manoj Joshi, a fellow at the Observer Research Foundation in Delhi."
Now the Chinese have agreed to not build the road further in the Doklam area and withdraw its troops from there...

Indian Army's tough stand in the standoff also helped in putting pressure on China which was made to understand that India will not back off so easily without its demands being accepted.

The Chinese have now agreed to completely withdraw their troops from the area

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