文章來源: 阿留2017-04-07 17:10:33

川普政府昨天對阿薩德政府再次使用化學武器做出迅速、果斷的反應,獲得了自由世界和大多數阿拉伯國家的一致讚賞。可以說,他在奧巴馬倒下的地方站了起來(Trump stands where Obama falls),這件事辦得相當漂亮。




晚上剛收到一位民主黨參議員的news letter,明確表示支持川普打擊阿薩德的立場。單單這一點,“業餘”出身的老船就比政客出身的巴馬強得太多。以下引自其聲明:

“In 2013, when Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, I voted to support military action, but ultimately the United States decided not to intervene at that time. Since then, Assad’s brutality has continued unabated. That’s why I’m supportive of the Trump administration’s decision yesterday to launch air strikes in response to Assad’s most recent atrocity against his own people. He must be held accountable.

The Syrian civil war has lasted for six years and hundreds of thousands of Syrians have been killed, many at the hands of Assad and his brutal regime. The people of Syria deserve justice, and today I introduced bipartisan legislation to instruct the Secretary of State to report on war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Syria. This is one important step to ensuring Assad is held accountable for his acts of barbarism.”
