文章來源: XQQ2020-04-08 13:08:09

在向你分享下麵這個故事時,你可能體會不了我當時奮筆疾書時的激動心情。但我相信,你看了一定會我們的"愛我家園 共克時艱"行動點讚的。我知道文中每一句話背後的那些堅持的人和那些感人的事。我欣慰得告訴你,一萬片醫用口罩,已經在一線醫務工作者的手中;另外一萬片外科口罩正在路上,讓我們cross fingers!



3月17日,在村民們的熱心倡議下,ECAA(Edina Chinese Americans Association)和愛心滿滿的誌願者們立即成立了“新冠行動小組”,並於3月20日在社區發起了“愛我家園抗疫募捐”活動。村長的一番肺腑之言說出了我們的心聲,“兩邊都是我們的家園,過去的和現在的,都有我們不能舍棄的家人、朋友和所有的經曆。我們所能作的一點點,也都是希望能為我們的明天營造一個更美好的家園。”

曾為武漢加油,為中國解憂的我們,又以最積極的姿態與社區守望相助,同民眾力克時艱。短短10來天,來自50多個家庭的善款達到了$7629.45。有的村民已經參加過明州華人社區的其他捐款項目,依舊義不容辭地奉獻出一片愛心;有的村民所在的公司受到了疫情的嚴重影響,甚至波及到了自家生活,仍然竭盡所能地貢獻出一份力量;有的村民在捐款同時,又申請了公司的捐贈匹配服務,有力地提高了融資力度;即將離開明州的一位朋友, 正在搬家的勞頓之中,看到村裏的號召後,也毫不猶豫地解囊相助;更有一些外村朋友及我們的美國同事,踴躍地加入到我們的籌款活動。大家最多的留言是“Support front-line doctors”, ”Fight COVID-19”。因為我們每一個人都明白,一點點有相同願望的燭光匯在一起,就能照亮整個天空。

與捐款並行的另一項任務是設定捐贈目標,以確保善款投向的合理性和有效性,為此新冠行動小組做了大量詳細的調研工作。我們首先直接聯係在四家醫院工作的醫務人員,了解對抗新冠第一線的動態,谘詢醫院急需物資。在他們的全力支持和專業推薦下,經過反複的討論和商議,我們第一步確定了以M Health Fairview醫療機構為受捐對象,以購置標準口罩為首選方案。目前Fairview Bethesda Hospital已被征用為明州治療COVID-19患者的專科醫院。

在Fairview Clinic所屬醫院工作的村民的鼎力協作和有效溝通下, 3月20日,我們和Fairview PIO-Communication的負責人直接連線。他們介紹了醫院難以想象的口罩短缺的緊急狀況,誠請我們提供購買口罩的來源信息,並讓ECA與Covid-19 Command Center Donation Coordinator和Supply Chain Management兩個部門的三位負責人對口交接。此後,兩位誌願者一直與醫院保持著密切透明的溝通,無論是推薦口罩的資質信息,還是安排捐贈的具體步驟,事無巨細,嚴謹負責。醫院負責人感慨地說,“We are receiving so much support from our Minnesota Chinese communities. It brings happy tears to my eyes.”

為了協助醫院,尋找合法口罩的貨源及購買途徑,村民們可謂八仙過海,各顯其能,大家通過各個渠道廣集貨源,傳遞線索。朋友們或直接問詢廠家,了解口罩品質,磋商采購價位;或介紹清關政策,分享物流經驗;或及時地提醒正在發酵的有關口罩事件……王勝坤匯總了資訊較全的四家口罩產品資料,於3月21日提供給了院方。3月24日,醫院相關部門審閱了我們提供的口罩廠商名單,認同了Dasheng 和Makrite作為他們的供貨來源。在廣大村民的熱情參與和推動下,我們圓滿地完成了為醫院穿針引線的目標。3月26日,醫院進一步給予了我們捐贈物資指南-醫用口罩和外科口。Fairview System Director一再表示“Wow! Thank you so much! The surgical masks are in high demand and will be put to use immediately! Your generosity is so appreciated!”

ECA華人社區的抗疫義捐活動得到了Jim Hovland市長的有力支持。3月25日,他在發布Mayor’s Minutes時,真摯地感謝我們購置PPE的善舉。在對我們的回信裏,他說,“Thank you so much for the undertaking of the Association regarding personal protection equipment.It is quite an admirable endeavor on your part and has seen immediate success!”4月2日,市長再次向我們介紹了Hennepin County對PPE的急切需求。為此,“ECA新冠行動小組”緊急商議,將Hennepin County列為另一個受捐對象。

當我們把目標鎖定在鑒定、訂購可靠的醫用和外科口罩後,我們得到了一位村民的最給力的支持和最寶貴的渠道,她的同學朱先生向我們伸出了援助之手。身為Ningbo Maxwin Imp & Exp Co Ltd的老總,朱先生不僅親自到正規口罩生產廠家監察口罩的質量,還為我們捐贈了約$1000的運輸費,使我們能把更多的口罩送到那些奮戰在疫情“震中”的生命守護者。感恩善舉,感恩善心!

3月30日,10000個剛從生產線上下來的“還熱乎著的”醫用口罩到達Minniapolis。身為工業設計師的村民為口罩捐贈做了非常專業的設計。4月3日,誌願者們把二十箱醫用口罩送到了M Health Fairway COVID-19 Commend Center。


左鄰右舍們的每一份善良,讓我們看到了人性的美好,看到了戰勝COVID-19的希望。讓我們以自己的行動致敬醫護人員的大愛與勇敢。Together, We are stronger!





附三:本地媒體Sun Current對我們活動的報道


附四:From Mr Jing

Hi, Andy,

It was very nice chatting with you on the phone this morning. As promised, I’m sending you some further information about ECA’s COVID 19 Relief donation campaign with a couple of  pictures. I’m also copying a few other ECA board members in case you need more info that they can provide.
These are some quick facts about our campaign:
  • 52 Edina Chinese American families donated a total amount of $7500, for the campaign of “Love our community, United to flight the pandemic”.
  • Nearly a dozen ECA volunteers worked tirelessly to collect donations, search for reliable vendors with certified PPE, handle accounting and shipping logistics etc. 
  • We were greatly assisted by Mr. Alvin Zhu of Ningbo Maxwin Imp & Exp Co., Ltd., who helped with the entire purchasing and shipping process from China. 10000 clinical facemasks were directly handled by Mr. Zhu from the manufacturing line to FedEx. 
  • The facemasks were delivered to M Health Fairview by ECA volunteers this morning. The Fairview donations coordinator Lisa Hirsin (h43682@fairview.org) is our contact. 
  • We communicated with Mayor James Hovland, who mentioned ECA’s effort in his Mayor’s Minute on March 25: https://youtu.be/WZ915EJWjS4. Mayor Hovland suggested that Hennepin County is also in dire needs of PPE.  We have ordered another 10K surgical facemasks which may arrive next week. We will decide on donation details as they arrive. 
  • ECA is also calling for donation from all ECA members to support Edina Ed Fund’s Meal Fund campaign. $2500 has been collected so far and we expect more to come. The campaign is led by a group of high school students, who will provide a series of student life/college app related seminars as part of the campaign. 
  • The current president of ECA  is Dr. Yiming Shi, who can answer more questions. 
As we chatted this morning, at the same time that the entire world and nation unite to cope with the pandemic, there are some unsettling incidents happening in certain communities. Though we haven’t experienced any such events in Edina, we feel this donation action is a good example on what everyone in the community can and should do regardless of race or anything else. Together we are stronger. 
Thank you very much.