文章來源: 知名度比較高2008-12-16 09:39:12


首先,感謝-woth- ♀同學,丁莊秀園- ♂同學的最及時的回貼。尤其是-woth- ♀同學,一錘子就把我想偷懶,不努力的醜惡嘴臉揭穿了。再次,向woth- ♀同學致意最親切的感謝!


嚴重批判-中國心中國人- ♂同學。不但不回答問題,反而問問題。回貼態度不端正!

不過,對於-中國心中國人- ♂的問題,我的答案是:


-單身老貓- ♂ 同學實在是個好同學,熱心,主動。尤其也是屬貓的。那什麽,我就不說感謝的話了。周末有空,上我家吃魚來!

嚴重批判-老忽- ♂同學。不是關鍵時刻不掉鏈子,回貼太晚! 我要是老板,一定把你炒了,不但炒,還得多擱蔥,多擱蒜,多倒辣椒醬。


Y = b2 + ( b1 − b2 ) ( 1 + ( x/b3 ) ^b4 )

in which Y is the response, b2 is the response at infinite analyte concentration, b1 is the response at zero analyte concentration, x is the analyte concentration, b3 is the inflection point on the calibration curve (IC50), and b4 is a slope factor. This model has several useful characteristics. The response is monotonic, increasing with concentration if b1 < b2 and decreasing if b1 > b2 (note that the same flexibility can be achieved by allowing b4 to be either positive or negative, but by convention b4 is usually assumed to be greater than 0). The calibration curve is symmetric around the b3 (IC50, inflection point 50) concentration b3, with a response at that concentration of (b1 + b2)/2. The slope parameter, b4, defines the steepness of the curve. Since the curve is sigmoidal in shape, the slope (ie, first derivative) is changing throughout, but at the IC50 the slope is given by b4(b2 –b1)/4b3.

