文章來源: 神秘的微笑2013-01-26 14:01:36
慘了,英國妓女聲稱抵製中國嫖客(直接上圖) 文章提交者:5zrguks1com 加貼在 環球風雲 鐵血論壇 http://bbs.tiexue.net/bbs33-0-1.html 鐵血網提醒您:點擊查看大圖鐵血網提醒您:點擊查看大圖[ 轉自鐵血社區 http://bbs.tiexue.net/ ]喬治·皮茄(George Pitcher)是英國《每日電訊報》宗教方麵的編輯,他是一個神父。12月29日,喬治·皮茄在《每日電訊報》發了一篇博文《妓女抵製中國的道德理由》 文中,喬治·皮茄說他收到了一位倫敦性工作者的信,心中說為了抗議中國處決毒販阿克毛,所以她決定抵製中國嫖客一年。她在信裏是這樣說的:“假如對阿克毛的死刑執行了的話,我會抵製中國護照持有者一年時間。我可以挑選我的客戶,我不需要哪些來自殺人成性的政權的人。對香港人我可以考慮,但會接待台灣人……如果你是中國人,你最好今晚預約。在阿克毛被處死以後,你將在一年之內配額短缺(譯注:商業性行為需要預約,由性工作者本人選擇配額)!事實上,一點配額都不給。我想對中國人說,吊你老母(注:她這句話是用粵語寫的)。”而喬治·皮茄竟然稱讚這位性工作者的這種行動是高貴且富有自尊的。鐵血網提醒您:點擊查看大圖

reply to arealman: thanks for your comment.
I mean you don't even have to respond to it as most of the people do providing you think this article means nothing to you. Silence itself is an answer :) 

I am quite curious how real you are, that you don't have any substantial information in your file.

You sent me a qqh regarding making a friend with me. I hesitated for a long while. However, I eventually decided to reply you on the belief of being responsive to others' kind offer for the sake of good manner.

But where is your respond, my real man?