China's First Peaceful and Lawful Regime farewell
文章來源: hl382013-03-19 10:56:46

Yonghe Zhang
American Huilin Institute
Chinese Communist Party Regime farewell:

Liu Shaoqi President: died of broken Mat sweeping the corpse;
Lin Biao (Mao successor): died of Outer Mongolia wilderness;
Cultural Revolution Regime: Gang of Four punished to death; Mao corpse for "last respects";
Hu Yaobang reform regime: Hu Yaobang was usurped power died with; Zhao Ziyang died in prison;
Deng Xiaoping dictatorship: Not bowed farewell;
Jiang regime: Power-Lover was pushed back;
Hu-Wen regime: China's first peaceful and lawful regime farewell.