Blooming morning
文章來源: 多倫多橄欖樹2019-11-25 09:12:19

I   wake up in a Blooming  morning with sun smile visiting

Oh , I  Know him  

He is the one who want to  warm up the early winter back to  fall  temperature

In order to comfort people who worry about the cold

I  face  his  shining ray ,  start  my  day  in happiness

And,  It  seems  like  that he  enjoy  stay  with me a full day

He is  looked like  a playful  kid

Accompany me to cook , to eat

To water the flowers , to take care my  friends in cloudy world

To count jobs that I should carry out by  today

May be

he understands me more than I  think about

May  be

He is  sincerity   more than I believe in

He just come back to visit all the people include me who is ready for winter

His name is  warm- sun  of autumn

The  morning  he is on duty

Is  my blooming morning of  winter days